Saturday, July 17, 2021

10 Lessons & Best Ideas From UNSHAKEABLE By Tony Robbins

1. Start with savings and invest in index funds.

2. Put the principle of compound interest to work; be consistent with savings.

3. Mutual funds cost more and pay less than index funds. Avoid them.

4. Avoid too much fees, they compound and eat up a significant part of your money.

5. Don’t let fear push you during market falls. It’s normal for market to rise and fall.

6. Diversify as you grow your wealth to increase your income, and decrease your loss.

7. Be rich with your emotions. Don’t be stingy with giving out positive energy to others.

8. Practice gratitude. Be grateful for where you are and where you want to be.

9. Be a cheerful giver. Give what you have in your capacity to give others.

10. Be committed to growth. Get more knowledge and understanding into your mind.

Suggested Articles: 

1) 15 Reasons Why You Must Have Your Own Book:

2) Why You Must Document Your Life: 

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