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Monday, July 12, 2021

10 Best Quotes From Elon Musk

1. When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.

2. Life is too short for long-term grudges.

3. Great companies are built on great products.

4. People work better when they know what the goal is and why.

5. Any product that needs a manual to work is broken.

6. People should pursue what they’re passionate about. That will make them happier than pretty much anything else.

7. I’d rather be optimistic and wrong than pessimistic and right.

8. If humanity doesn’t land on Mars in my lifetime, I would be very disappointed.

9. Starting a business is not for everyone. Starting a business- I’d say, number one is have a high pain threshold.

10. It’s ok to have your eggs in one basket as long as you control what happens to that basket.

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