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Saturday, July 17, 2021

10 Lessons & Best Ideas From Never Split The Difference By Chris Voss

1. Negotiation happens everywhere there’s communication, and it is what gives communication result.

2. When communicating, be a mirror to the other person and seek to understand them.

3. In any negotiation, how you say something is more important than what you say.

4. To be a good negotiator, you must learn how to identify and influence emotions, instead of denying or ignoring them.

5. You must actively listen and follow your opponent’s words to the point that they will acknowledge what you say IS RIGHT.

6. NO is a powerful word that every negotiator must learn to hear because it will help them to unveil more truths about their opponent.

7. Human behavior is driven by two needs; the need to feel secured and the need to feel in control.

8. When negotiating, don’t compromise on a wrong basis. No deal is better than bad deal.

9. To be an effective negotiator, you must resist succumbing to the pressure of deadlines which are most times, arbitrary.

10. You can always bend the reality to your favor. Overcome fear and go for what your want.

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