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Saturday, July 17, 2021

10 Lessons & Best Ideas From How to WIN Friends & INFLUENCE People By Dale Carnegie

1. People don’t like being criticized or condemned no matter how guilty they are.

2. Be genuinely interested in people. Don’t only go after what you want, but add value to them as well.

3. Give honest and sincere appreciation.

4. Make people feel important by valuing them and what they do.

5. Smile and show welcoming gesture when relating with people.

6. Remember people’s names. They would appreciate you more.

7. Be a good listener. Encourage people to talk about themselves.

8. The best way to win an argument is to AVOID IT.

9. Appreciate people’s idea or opinion even if you don’t support it. They might end up supporting yours.

10. Own up to your mistake. People appreciate when you are humble and unprententious.

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