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Saturday, July 17, 2021

10 Lessons & Best Ideas From ZERO TO ONE By Peter Thiel

1. Zero to one is creating something entirely new. One to n is copying something entirely not new.

2. Creativity and innovation has no formula. Great ideas come from unexpected places.

3. Old ways are no longer working, we must invent new ways of solving our problems.

4. Know what you know and stand by it. Conventional wisdom is not always right.

5. A new way of thinking is an important value that new companies and startups have.

6. Progress comes from domination not competition.

7. In any case, it is better to do something than to do nothing.

8. Rivalry makes us lose our identity and run out of ideas.

9. That you came later doesn’t mean you can’t be the first. Just be the best.

10. The value of a business today is the sum of all the money it would make in the future.

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