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Thursday, July 29, 2021

10 LESSONS & BEST IDEAS From REWORK By David H. Hansson & Jason Fried

1. In as much as we learn from mistakes, it is learning from success that gives us more success.

2. Planning just gives us an idea of what we should do. It is not a final list of what we must do.

3. Do something different, because you are different.

4. Always have a reason behind everything you do. It would keep you motivated and directed towards your goal.

5. Set your priority right. There are many things that need your attention than you would ever know.

6. Don’t seek to be perfect first. Seek to be consistent and perfection would meet you on the way.

7. Take risks when you supposed to, not when you want to.

8. Start small. Small things are the ones that end up big.

9. You get attention by doing what everyone else is not doing.

10. Don’t create problems for yourself. Most of the things you worry about never happen anyway.

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