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Monday, July 12, 2021

10 Lessons & Best Ideas From Outwitting the Devil By Napoleon Hill

1. Be definite about your purpose and what you want to achieve in life.

2. Have mastery over self. You become free when you can truly discipline yourself.

3. You can learn from failure and you can also lose from failure. Whatsoever you get from it is up to you.

4. Indecision is one of the worst human behaviors.

5. Most people are drifters. They allow fears to push them away from their purpose and make them settle for mundane things.

6. Inability to think independently is what makes many people to live a mediocre life.

7. Your environment has so much influence on you than you would ever imagine.

8. You can avoid drifting by making good use of your time and avoiding distractions.

9. To take charge of your life, you must exercise harmony in your mental, spiritual, and physical areas of your life.

10. Thinking must precede acting if you want to get good results in life.

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