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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Food Forms The Body

After the Lord God has created man, he formed his body out of the dust of the ground. Up till now, the Lord God is still forming man’s body out of the dust (soil) of the ground. Man’s body is formed from the food he eats, which is from the ground. This is observed with a new born baby. After years of eating good food, the baby would have double or triple his/her size. Nutrients from the food made it possible. Protein from the food helps with tissue growth. Carbohydrates for energy. Lipids for energy and hormone production. Vitamins and minerals for metabolism. And water for creating good medium for metabolism, and transport and regulatory functions. All these processes go on in the body every time food enters and become digested and absorbed. The body is built up gradually by these nutrients, till it becomes fully matured physically. Moreso, maintenance and sustenance at old age are also done by food. Food to the body makes the body grows. Food to the spirit makes the spirit glows. Enjoy good food, Enjoy good life. #Blessings

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Answer-Provoking Questions

Why do we have 2 eyes? Why do we have 2 ears? Why do we have 1 mouth and 1 nose? Why do we have 10 fingers and 10 toes? Why do we have 2 hands and 2 legs? Why do we have organs in our body? Why do we have skin over our body? Who designed the shape of our nose? Who told the hormones what to do? If you are as much curious as I am, you would understand that man is limited in knowledge but only knows what he’s given access to. Man didn’t contribute anything to how he was created. It was a decision by the Creator. He made man his mirror image and after his likeness. Whenever he sees man, he sees himself. Whatever he does, man can replicate. There’s no negotiation about whether man has authority over his own body. It was given to him, and never by his own efforts. So, man needs to give glory to God for his own body. Science has helped us with the functions of parts of human body. But has never helped us with their purpose. They’ve helped us with their abilities. But have never helped us with their potentials. ‘Function’ answers ‘what they are doing’. ‘Purpose’ answers ‘why they are doing what they are doing’. Function is from man. Purpose is from God. Don't only know the functions, know the purpose. #Blessings

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Let's make fun of problems

Don’t take it to the extreme


Whatever we take to the extreme is not going to work. When you eat to the extreme, you become obese. When you don’t eat at all, you become lean and weak. It’s not good for your body. When you walk to the extreme you become tired. When you don’t walk at all, you become heavy. Everything done to the extreme is not good. Therefore, there’s need for balance to maintain a stable equilibrium. Human body is a good example. Every organ system in the body works together to achieve a balance, maintaining equilibrium between two opposing forces, a state known as homeostasis. There’s a range of values for important parameters in the body, which are under strict control. The blood oxygen and carbon dioxide have range for their values. The blood glucose, body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, glomerular filtration rate and many others, all have values which are kept within normal range in the body. Any shift to the left or right will cause problem to the system. This is what ensue into disease and illness. In another instance, to take your bath in a relatively cold weather, you will require warm water; not too hot, not too cold. Not too hot so it won’t burn your skin. Not too cold so it won’t make you shiver. Hence, a balance of warm water must be reached. Now, this is applicable to what we do in life. Everything must be done with the mind of moderation and temperance. Nothing should be overdone or underdo. Too much of everything is not good. Let’s put moderation and balance in everything we do. #Blessings

Sunday, November 19, 2017

My Body Is The Lord's

God puts so much value on our body. He formed it in his image. The physical body is the expression and allegory of the spiritual. Your body is not free of charge. It is bought with a price. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Spirit of God who dwells within you, whom you have [received as a gift] from God, and that you are not your own [property]?, You were bought with a price [you were actually purchased with the precious blood of Jesus and made His own]. So then, honor and glorify God with your body. God wants us to take care of our body. He tells us to glorify him in our body. Every part of my body is a blessing. I can sing and talk to the Lord with my mouth. I can change lives and solve problems with my mouth. I can do good works with my hands. I can put down good thoughts with my mind. I can cook good food with my hands. My feet can carry good news to places. My smiles can bless someone. My gifts and talents can encourage someone. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. In as much as I am in this flesh, I’ve got so much blessings, and grace of God to put to work. Therefore, my body is a blessing to the Lord and to the world. Thank God for my body. #Blessings

Friday, November 17, 2017

100 Things Devil Is Not Looking For

Devil is not looking for where you are. He's looking for who you are.
Devil is not looking for your picture. He's looking for your future.
Devil is not looking for your fruit. He's looking for your seed.
Devil is not looking for your eyes. He’s looking for your sight.
Devil is not looking for your action. He’s looking for your passion.
Devil is not looking for your mission. He’s looking for your vision.
Devil is not looking for what is outside you. He’s looking for what is inside you.
Devil is not looking for your resources. He's looking for your source.
Devil is not looking for what you give. He’s looking for how you give.
Devil is not looking for what is running after you. He's looking for what you are running after.
Devil is not looking for what you think. He's looking for how you think.
Devil is not looking for what is in your hand. He's looking for what is in your mind.
Devil is not looking for who knows you. He's looking for who you know.
Devil is not looking for where you use your time. He's looking for how you use your time.
Devil is not looking for the income of what you are doing. He's looking for the outcome of what you are doing.
Devil is not looking for the motion of your action. He's looking for the motive of your action.
Devil is not looking for your personality. He is looking for your identity.
Devil is not looking for who wants to marry you. He’s looking for who you want to marry.
Devil is not looking for your wife. He's looking for your life.
Devil is not looking for who loves you. He's looking for who you love.
Devil is not looking for what makes you sad. He's looking for what makes you happy.
Devil is not looking for where you are going. He's looking for which direction you are following.
Devil is not looking for who is your boyfriend. He's looking for who is your sex friend.
Devil is not looking for your appointment. He's looking for your assignment.
Devil is not looking for your origination. He's looking for your destination.
Devil is not looking for where you were brought from. He's looking for where you were brought to.
Devil is not looking for your set back. He's looking for your come back.
Devil is not looking for where you were brought up. He's looking for how you were brought up.
Devil is not looking for your enemies. He's looking for your friends.
Devil is not looking for what excites you. He's looking for what incites you.
Devil is not looking for your clothes. He's looking for your body.
Devil is not looking for your food. He's looking for your life.
Devil is not looking for your suggestions. He’s looking for your confessions.
Devil is not looking for your past. He’s looking for your future.
Devil is not looking for your actions. He's looking for your decisions.
Devil is not looking for where you get your money. He’s looking for how you get your money.
Devil is not looking for your activities. He's looking for your abilities.
Devil is not looking for your talents. He's looking for your spirit.
Devil is not looking for your manifestation. He’s looking for your expectation.
Devil is not looking for your affluence. He’s looking for your influence.
Devil is not looking for how many information you have. He's looking for how many revelation you have.
Devil is not looking for how many ideas you have. He's looking for how many visions you have.
Devil is not looking for the parts of your body. He's looking for the head of your body.
Devil is not looking for your acts. He’s looking for your heart.
Devil is not looking for your expressions. He’s looking for your impressions.
Devil is not looking for your altitude. He’s looking for your attitude.
Devil is not looking for your feelings. He's looking for your dealings.
Devil is not looking for your mentee. He's looking for your mentor.
Devil is not looking for your house. He's looking for your spouse.
Devil is not looking for your ceremony. He's looking for your testimony.
Devil is not looking for how many ambitions you have. He's looking for how many decisions you have.
Devil is not looking for your manifestation. He's looking for your transformation.
Devil is not looking for your tomorrow. He's looking for your today.
Devil is not looking for your knowledge. He's looking for your wisdom.
Devil is not looking for your action. He's looking for your passion.
Devil is not looking for your dreams. He's looking for your future.
Devil is not looking for what you are looking. He's looking for what you are seeing.
Devil is not looking for what happens to you. He's looking for what you make happen.
Devil is not looking for your instruction. He's looking for your destruction.
Devil is not looking for what people give to you. He's looking for what you give to people.
Devil is not looking for your confidant. He's looking for your confidence.
Devil is not looking for your dignity. He's looking for your identity.
Devil is not looking for who you have. He's looking for what you have.
Devil is not looking for what you want. He's looking for what you need.
Devil is not looking for when you marry. He's looking for who you marry.
Devil is not looking for who loves you. He's looking for who you love.
Devil is not looking for when you make it. He's looking for how you make it.
Devil is not looking for who gave birth to you. He's looking for who you gave birth to.
Devil is not looking for who cares for you. He's looking for who you care for.
Devil is not looking for what enters your mouth. He's looking for what leaves your mouth.
Devil is not looking for what people say about you. He's looking for what you say about people.
Devil is not looking for what God says about you. He's looking for what you say about yourself.
Devil is not looking for your relationship with humanity. He's looking for your connection with divinity.
Devil is not looking for where you live. He's looking for how you live.
Devil is not looking for how you look. He's looking for who you look.
Devil is not looking for who offends you. He's looking for who you offend.
Devil is not looking for who makes you happy. He's looking for what makes you happy.
Devil is not looking for a woman. He’s looking for a man.
Devil is not looking for what you know. He’s looking for what you don’t know.
Devil is not looking for who is ahead. He’s looking for who is your head.
Devil is not looking for the facts you know. He’s looking for the truths you know.
Devil is not looking for who is your mother. He’s looking for who is your father.
Devil is not looking for the name people gave you. He’s looking for the name you gave yourself.
Devil is not looking for who prophesied into your life. He’s looking for what you prophesied into your life.
Devil is not looking for your condition. He’s looking for your confession.
Devil is not looking for your aspirations. He’s looking for your inspirations.
Devil is not looking for your past. He’s looking for your future.
Devil is not looking for how long you pray. He’s looking for how well you pray.
Devil is not looking for how you will start. He’s looking for how you will end.
Devil is not looking for who is talking to you. He’s looking for who you are talking to.
Devil is not looking for who is attracted to you. He’s looking for who you are attracted to.
Devil is not looking for what you keep in your head. He’s looking for what you keep in your mind.
Devil is not looking for how you are going. He’s looking for where you are going.
Devil is not looking for your condition. He’s looking for your conviction.
Devil is not looking for what is in your hand. He’s looking for what is in your mind.
Devil is not looking for your altitude. He’s looking for your attitude.
Devil is not looking for the females. He's looking for the males.
Devil is not looking for who is your servant. He’s looking for who is your master.
Devil is not looking for what is testing you. He’s looking for what is tempting you.
Devil is not looking for the multitude around you. He’s looking for the attitude around you.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

My Wisdom Thoughts About Change- Extract from The Language of Change

"…heralding change"

* Change is a commonly used word, yet rarely understood word. Commonly encountered word, but scarcely entreated word. Everything on earth, including the earth itself experiences change. Change forbids anything to remain the same.
* We had always thought that change happened only when we made it. But change is an unstoppable force that happens anytime, anywhere. You either make change happens or change happens to you. Either ways, change happens. The former gets desired result, the latter gets acquired result.
* I hear people complain about government, leadership and systems. They want them to make change, but they remain unchanged. You can contribute to the change you desire. Stop blaming people. You change, and things will change.
* Life is not only about what you see. It is about how you see. A situation somebody called a problem, is the same situation another called an opportunity. The difference is in their attitude. Your attitude separates you from the multitude. Change your attitude.
* Don’t complain about where you are. Work on who you are. Your attitude defines who you are. Work on your attitude.
* Can you see your life as a moving car? Where you were yesterday, is not where you are today. Where you are passing, notwithstanding, but where you are going, far more outstanding. The situations around you are changing as you keep moving. Things are turning around for your good. I see your life changing for better.
* Your thinking affects your living. Your environment affects your thinking ‘cos that is where the raw materials for your thinking came from. To change your thinking, change your environment, and create a new one. How? By carefully selecting what you hear and see. Don’t hear anyhow so you won’t live anyhow. Don’t see anything so you won’t miss everything.
* To make change, you must be consistent. Some change don’t happen without the force of consistence. Don’t stop making input. Don’t be weary of well doings. They are piling up. They will soon give good yield. The truth is; while you are working, the change might not have manifested, but it has kick-started.
* One of the most difficult jobs to do is to try to change people. No, they won’t change. The best way to change people is to change yourself. Why? Because you are the mirror image of people. The change you want to see in people is the change you have to become. #Proven
* There can’t be change without force. Newton’s 1st law of motion vindicated that; “An object will remain in a state of rest or constant motion unless it’s being acted upon by an external force”. To make the change you desire, you must apply the force you inspire, else change will be a daydream.
* If you are waiting for people to make change, then you might wait till eternity. Make change and people will join the train. Don’t wait till you get what you want, start with what you have.
* Change is like 2 sides of a coin, that can fall on any side. You either turn it to the side you want or it falls on the side it wants. It’s either by choice or by force. Some have become victim of change. Some have become victor by change. Decide the category you want.
* It cannot be overemphasized, that words are important raw materials for change. Mighty words come out of mighty minds, and cause mighty change. I have seen giants and great men in history wroth remarkable changes through their words. Don’t waste your words. Make change with them.
* Change happens everywhere. Our body is not an exception. About 300 billion new cells are formed and 300 million old cells died in our body everyday. At least 1000-1500 calories of energy are consumed everyday for basal metabolism. Our brain cells produce new chemicals when we sleep and get rid of toxins that cause fatigue. From outside to inside, visible and invisible changes take place in our body that keep us healthy and fresh, otherwise we would have become a bunch of weak and stinky entities.
* Enemies of positive change are close pals of negative change. They make negative things happen unless you change them. What is against your success is in support of your failure. Among others, fear, procrastination, complacence, inconsistence, laziness, excuses, and unbelief are enemies of positive change. In another case, oftentimes, we attach ourselves too much to people and things that we think we can’t make change without them. That is why we have to change that mentality. Your ability to make change is not giving to any man but you. Now, I don’t mean you shouldn’t work with people or acknowledge them. They are important. But what I’m saying is don’t turn them to a barrier in your life. Have a mind that can set goal and accomplish it. There’s too much fear of what people will say, what will people not say, as if your life is people’s life. No barrier to your success, except the one you create in your mind. Start making change now!
* Resistance to positive change is acceptance to negative change. Some people have become irrelevant simply because they refused to change. Change either keep you updated or outdated. It either make you better or worse. Change makes you change.
* One of the benefits of change is that it allows something new or different. Life is not boring or monotonous with change. Change allows things to be done better and differently. Innovation and creativity work with people who have the mind of changing the statu quo. You may meet things the same, but don’t leave them the same.
* People make different investments. Some invest in real estates. Some invest in false estates. The greatest investment is the one you made in people. Whoever wants to live great in life will live less of him-self and more of His-self. Change your investment.
* Somebody said - ‘Only God will change Nigeria’. God said, ‘Only you can change Nigeria’. Joseph didn’t say only God can save Egypt. Thomas Jefferson did not say only God can change America. Mikhail Gorbachev didn’t say only God can save Soviet Union from communist grip. Heros like Wiston Churchill, Martin Luther king, Abraham Lincoln, and Nelson Mandela, people who have marked their names on the sands of time didn’t say only God can save them but took responsibility and deployed the gifts and abilities God has given them, with proper application of principles that make things work. But, not dillydallying around and say, only God will save us. What will change Nigeria is not in God’s hand, It’s in our hands. Until we change Nigeria, no miracle will happen.
* The platitude of ‘Only God will change Nigeria’ is killing people’s creativity and blindfolding their eyes from seeing what God has put in and around them to make use of. A lot of resources and business ideas are aborted everyday because we’re waiting for God to intervene. Instead of asking for what we already have, let’s receive wisdom to see and make good use of them.
* Pray for the good of Nigeria, for they that love it will prosper. Prayer has been grossly abused by the religious bigots. They pray selfish prayers, which will not make things work. Prayer is not a religion. It’s a principle. Change is inevitable with the weapon of prayer. Let’s pray for our leaders. They will get direction and lead us a right. Let’s pray for the people, and let’s not curse. Prayer with diligence will always produce massive results, any time, any day.
* Are there people who are excited with me about the situation of Nigeria? Not because we love to see problems, but because we love to solve problems. Come on, this is the largest black nation in the world. The problems in the land are symbols of blessings. The problems allow us to be needed. Otherwise, our gifts, talents, abilities, and skills become useless. Let’s think of the problem we can solve. Let’s think of the value we can add. A light from you can spread all over. Don’t wait for any one. You’re the one Nigeria is waiting for. Go make the change.
* Above all, let’s take up the nature of love. Let’s love people. Let’s love our leaders. The change we desire is in us, not outside us. Our thinking affects our living. Let’s think good about Nigeria. Let’s talk good about Nigeria, and we’ll surely live good in Nigeria. Lasting change starts from individuals, not the politicians.
* Great men in life have voracious appetite for problems. They eat them like food. They can’t enjoy life without problems. Not because they like problem, but because it’s only problem that can bring out who they are. Oh, what an attitude! Oh, what a life!
* Let’s stop talking about problems, let’s starting working solutions. Let’s stop talking what we don’t have, let’s start using what we have. Let’s stop talking where we are, let’s start knowing who we are, that will get us what we want and where we want. Our attitude defines who we are. If you are ready for change, then let’s start the journey.
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The Language of Change- Introduction

"You can't understand the language of life if you don't understand the language of change”
Just after finished reading a best seller book, I knew I was never remained the same. Something came alive in me that needed expression. Streams of thoughts flooded my mind that were difficult to eliminate. I’ve got something to share. I’ve had an experience I needed to share, coupled with the principles I learnt that never changed but could change situations if rightly applied. This book was born out of passion in me, a strong desire for change. Life demands change. Life enforces change, whether we like it or not, or whether we want it or not, change is part of the fabrics of life. Change can be negative or positive. Negative change happens anytime, even without inducing it. Positive change happens only when we make it. If you’ve been doing one thing for a long time, then get ready for change. Change is inevitable. Change is unresistable. Everything on this earth, including the earth itself is experiencing change. Change forbids anything to remain the same. Change moves on either sides of life to bring up something new or different. Negative change, though rampart has its advantage. It challenges us and helps us appreciate positive change. Change entails becoming different in a particular way of life. Change takes place in every walk of life and life could become as interesting as it is because of the dynamics of change in our world.
Why We Need Change
Change is basic and fundamental need of every person willing to live and enjoy life. In the absence of change, stagnation is inevitable. Consequently, progress and development are inhibited. Change is essential in acquiring strength in difficult situations. Any person who is not willing to change is limited in personal development and success. Every successful individual out there is one who has dared to change, and change things. We only see change outside, when we have made it inside. People and situations around us respond to change that we make within us. Therefore, we can’t advocate for change that we ourselves have not inculcated. Every instance of stagnation and intractable situations now, call for a prompt and desperate change. Finally, we must all be advocates of change, for without change success remains an illusion.
This book will give you deep insight into what change is all about and how you can engage it to your advantage. Enjoy the reading. My regards.
                                                                                       Samuel OWOEYE
                                                                                       Kharkov, Ukraine.
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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Get rid of Anger

Nothing should keep you angry. I hope that is not too much to say. Something/s can get you angry, but nothing should keep you in that anger. When we think about the wrongs people have done to us, we get angry and want to respond negatively to them. But that is not the way out. Nobody has the capacity to keep you angry if you don’t want to. Anger is an emotional response to an unpleasant or dissatisfying situation. It usually creates an uncomfortable aura that puts the system in a disturbed state. But the point is- you can always condition your mind on how you want to respond in every situation, both the good and bad. It’s by decision. You can decide to stay angry or not. Nobody can force you into anger. Though, sometimes, we could get so overwhelmed by emotional outbursts that we wonder why we do the things we do. It’s all about the programming of the mind. You can directly control your conscious mind, but not your subconscious mind. Whatever you give your conscious mind is what your subconscious mind receives and carries out. Your subconscious mind expresses spontaneously whatever feelings and emotions you put in it over the years. You may not know you still have some expressions until something triggers them, and they come out. Then you realize that you still have them. You can remove them by reprogramming your subconscious mind. Make sure you always keep good thoughts in your conscious mind. Over time, they will be engraved in your subconscious mind. And that will be your new experience. I see your life getting better and better by the day. Blessings.

I’m Fond of Cooking Food

My hands and mind are always ready to cook good food. My ingredients are ever ready and I’m always on the search for new recipes. Trust me, every of my food, you will like it. They are well cooked from a good mind and good hands. They are well garnished with nice meats and fish that will give you lasting experience. With my hands, I cook food that benefits your body. With my mind, I cook food that benefits your life. The foods are in two forms- soft form and hard form. Soft form comes as information that feeds your mind. Hard form comes as physical food that feeds your body. Both are necessary for life. Without food to the body, you can’t live-in. Without food to the mind, you can’t live-out. Food to the body manifests in the physical. Food to the mind manifests in the psychological. Both make your life good. #Blessings

Monday, November 13, 2017

Don't be frustrated

It has to be a conscious effort of making good decision to make sure that you are not frustrated in the journey of life. That doesn’t mean situations or people around you will not want to do that, but you've got to decide not to be moved by any of those troubles around you. Everyday presents us with different challenges and difficulties that can frustrate, but our decision not to be frustrated by those things will give us triumph over them. You may look at yourself and think you are the only one facing challenges or having problems. But you are not the only one. In fact, there are people whose situations are more difficult and hopeless than yours, yet they've not committed suicide, but still believe that all will be well. At every point in time, everyone has got one thing or the other they are dealing with. That doesn't mean they are not strong. It only means challenges are part of life. So the beauty of life is to always have a good mindset towards every situation. Problems are raw materials for your blessings. They are packed with opportunities, solutions, ideas, resources, and lots of unexpected things that will benefit you. Explore into every situation and see beyond the ephemeral. If you will have good attitude, those things will leave you better than they met you. You will see better. You will know better. And you will do better. I've been in situations where I've been so frustrated and almost gave up with life, but I realized that all those things were for a purpose. Though, there was a pain, it all ended in a gain. I was encouraged and learnt important lessons of life, not to relent in the midst of adversities and challenges, but to be strong and put those things down to my feet as stepping stones to my next level of greatness. #Blessings

Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Body of Christ

Some humans are too spiritual to recognize their body. But Christ is not too spiritual to appreciate his body- the Church. The Church is the body of Christ. And we are the church, the members of the body of Christ. Christ is the head of that body. Every part of the body is important. This is an important statement. Our understanding of the body is important to get the exact picture of what God is talking about. This is not about denomination,or congregation. This is the whole body of Christ. There’s a spiritual sense of connection and oneness of every member of that body, physical location notwithstanding. If you are a member of that body, no matter how small you are, you are important to us, you are important to God. We need you. God needs you. If you are a member of this body, the nutrients and blessings that flow from the head reach every part of the body. The same blood and oxygen circulates throughout everyone of us. There are over 100 trillion cells in the human body. As many as they are, they all function together as one unit. They organize themselves into tissues, organs, and organ systems. Though each cell is an independent unit that has life of its own, they work together as one unit to achieve a common goal. Each cell’s function contributes to the common goal. As members of the body of Christ, we enjoy the same immunity, nutrition, communication, support, protection, abilities, strength, health, and so on. Christ is the head of that body. We have important structures in the head; eyes for vision, ears for hearing, nose for smelling, mouth for eating, tongue for speaking, and very importantly, the brain for thinking and processing information. If there’s no error in Christ, there’s no error in me. If there’s no confusion in Christ, there’s no confusion in me. I have the mind of Christ. I have the wisdom of Christ. For as many that are members of this body, we have unlimited possibilities and blessings in Christ. Congratulations! #MuchBlessings


Hair is a protein filament that consists of alpha keratin. It grows from hair follicles present in the dermis of the skin. Hair is a skin appendage, and it's a characteristic feature in humans. It has two parts; the root and the shaft. The root is deep inside its follicle under the skin. The shaft is the part that is seen above the skin. Hair grows on areas of the skin that are not glabrous like palms, soles and mucous membranes. About 5 million hairs are found throughout the body of an adult human. The number declines with age. Scalp has the highest density of hair follicles. Embryologically, the hair follicle is formed around 10th week. There are 3 types of hair; lanugo, vellus, and terminal. Lanugo grows in fetalhood. Vellus in childhood. And terminal in adulthood. From inside out, the layers of the hair shaft are the medulla, cortex and cuticle. Normal hair has 4 phases; anagen (active, growing phase), telogen (passive, resting phase), catagen (regression phase) and exogen (shedding phase). Hair has a lifespan of 3-11years. There’s an abrupt growth of hair in parts of the body during puberty due to the effects of sex hormones- the androgens and estrogen. Hair is that structure in the body that over the years we’ve paid less attention to in terms of understanding the whole functions, but focused more on the cosmetic importance. Men and women make different hairstyles to look more beautiful. That's good. But interestingly, hair has got other important functions like protection, regulation, sensation, psychology, and socio-cultural purposes. Happy weekend.

Ideas Episodes; Realistic Ideas

There are problems in the world. But, none will receive solution except there are ideas. Ideas solve problems. Ideas create solutions. What we lack is not solutions. What we lack is ideas.

There are superficial ideas, and there are deep ideas. There are short-term ideas, and there are long-term ideas. Superficial ideas solve superficial problems. Deep ideas solve deep problems. Short-term ideas solve short-term problems. And long-term ideas solve long-term problems.

As time rolls out new days and nights, it also rolls out new ideas. Don't stay long with old ideas. Get new ones. New ideas keep you updated. Old ideas keep you outdated.

Don't beg God for money. Ask him for ideas. Ideas can make you money. Ideas can make you rich. God doesn't give money, He gives ideas.

It takes time to generate great ideas. Great ideas don't jump into a rowdy mind. You need to settle your mind before you can come up with something meaningful. If your mind is not settled, your life is not settled.

People who are reigning this world are people with ideas. They are in business, economic, political, social, technological, professional and entertainment world. They have reigning ideas. They talk ideas. They work ideas. And so they lead ideas.

Poor people have poor ideas. Rich people have rich ideas. Bad people have bad ideas. Good people have good ideas. Foolish people have foolish ideas. Wise people have wise ideas. We know the quality of your mind by the quality of your ideas.

Beyond ideas, let's have the results. Beyond the talk, let's do the work. Beyond the season of the moment, let's have the reason for the moment. Don't only verbalize your ideas, crystallize them.

What are ideas? How do I generate ideas? How do I turn my ideas into reality? I'm not sure what I have is an idea or just a suggestion in my head, so how do I recognize ideas? Is it compulsory to have ideas? What if I have problem with generating ideas, what do I do? Where do ideas come from? What is the importance of having ideas? If your question is among these, think of the answer before the next episode.

Starting with the last question; What is the importance of having ideas? Ideas are solutions. Ideas are panaceas. When you engage them, you become problem solver, and positively influence your generation. You can't solve problems without having ideas.

Whatever is capable of accomplishing a task from the mind is an idea; good or bad. It is concrete, discrete and definite. Ideas come in form of thoughts, pictures, words, impressions, imaginations and so on. Ideas are effusions from the mind.

We only receive ideas in the capacity of our minds. You can't contain idea that is beyond the capacity of your mind. You must develop your mind to the capacity of ideas you want to receive. Only great minds produce great ideas.

Ideas are generated in two ways; from problems, or from solutions. Ideas are generated when you analyze problems to give solutions. Ideas are generated when you amplify solutions to proffer more solutions.

Many people have ideas, but not all of them have their ideas turned into reality. One of the ways by which you can turn your ideas into reality is through hard work. If you don't work, you won't have worth. Ideas will always die in the heart of lazy minds, but will always thrive in the hand of working minds.

Your words express your ideas. Your actions establish your ideas. Expressed ideas are for the moment. Established ideas are for the monuments. Don't just say it, do it!

It is God's idea to create man in His image and configure him after His likeness. The creative nature of God is evident in man. Men have created things, and still creating. Mighty infrastructures, Mind blowing science and technologies, Creative arts and stuffs. To top it all, men are creating lives and destinies. *It's good to celebrate fathers who love God and His people. Happiest birthday Apostle Victor Ahamefule. Your days will be fulfilled on earth. Congratulations!

Developed countries think about problems to solve them. Undeveloped countries talk about problems to see them. The former engage their minds to produce ideas on solving problems. The latter clogged their minds to produce ideas on talking problems.

Life becomes frustrating when there is no idea on how to solve a problem. So, the focus is on the problem. What about the mind? Ideas come from the mind. If your ideas are not solving problems, Change your mind. New mind will produce new ideas that will solve that problem.

Human needs; food, clothing, accommodation, health, information, education, entertainment, fashion, technology, transportation, electricity, security, power, communication, relationship, leadership, management, finance, love, success and so on. Ideas to meet any of these needs will be relevant. Think, study, learn and work out tangible ideas on how you can meet any of these needs. Then, we know you are a blessing to us.

Resources are wasted in the absence of ideas. Moderate resources with ideas is better than abundant resources without ideas. People with no ideas will always serve people with ideas. Resources are everywhere. But ideas are not everywhere.

Problems keep multiplying when we don't solve them. Ideas are the keys to solving problems. Problems give birth to ideas in a working mind. Where there are problems, there are ideas.

While you are still hesitating on implementing that idea, many lives are waiting on you. Imagine if there was no idea on making electric light. Imagine if there was no idea on making mobile phones. Imagine if there was no idea on making foods and drinks you are eating everyday. I know for sure that there's something with you right now that is somebody's idea. Where is your own idea? When are we going to have access to your own ideas? Ideas flow in the areas of your passion, desires, career, gifts, talents, calling and so on. God will not give you a million-dollar idea if you've not worked on one-dollar idea He gave you. Work on your ideas.

Only God knows how many ideas that have died in the hearts of men. Some have been buried inside the grave. Some ideas died because of fear of failure. Some died because of rejection from men. Some died because of lack of focus. Some died because of lack of hard work. Some died because of lack of resources. Some died because of lack of motivation and support. But great ideas don't always come in acceptable and palatable form. They always break conventions and traditions. They are new inventions. Many people can help you with spending your money, only few people can help you with investing it. Many people can help you with killing your idea, only few people can help you with nurturing it. When you get an idea, don't sleep over it, work on it. An idea must be able to solve problem or proffer better solutions. An idea must be able to meet a need. If your idea can accomplish any of these, go ahead and implement it. It doesn't matter if it's not accepted now, it will be celebrated later. I see you impacting the world through your ideas. #Blessings

Quite important, time. It has no specific definition, yet gives everything on earth specific destination. Here it is. Time starts counting down right from when the zygote is formed, till embryonic and fetal stages, and finally till when the time is due, and a full fledged human is born. We call it birthday, but not the conceived day that happened about 38weeks ago. The birthday is officially recorded and the life of the newborn started rolling out with time. The baby needs time to grow the bones, the muscles and the organs. And as the child grows, the body systems become more and more matured and functional. Then, till finally old age comes, and start rounding everything off. Everything on earth is put under the jurisdiction of time. The currency of life is time. It is the police that monitors all the affairs of life and every human activity. Whatever is living is under the jurisdiction of time. Check whatever you have done, time was there. Check whatever you are doing now, time is with you. And think of your plans tomorrow, they are under the jurisdiction of time. Until a man drops pen and crosses to the other side, he will still be under the influence of time. Things change because of time. We can start things and end them because of time. Every part of human body is under the calculation of time. The cells have lifespan. They are not gonna live forever. Time makes us value and assess life. We can differentiate yesterday from today and today from tomorrow because of time. If you have invested your time yesterday, expect your harvest today. If you are investing your time today, expect your harvest tomorrow, for time will owe no man nothing. It is good you have time when you do important things of your life and the less important ones. Go ahead and enjoy the blessings of time. #Blessings

My praise is continuous and spontaneous. To my heavenly Father, the Father of glory, who has set the heavens above the earth. Who is like unto thee, oh Lord? Who is like unto thee? Among the gods, who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders forevermore, Hallelujah. Thank you Father for your Grace. Thank you for your blessings. You have made me like you, created in your image and patterned after your likeness. I do whatever I see my father does. I say whatever I hear my father says. I am the apple of His eyes. Who is he that justifies? Is it not the Lord who is the Father of all. What or who can separate me from the Love of Christ? No where to be found. Father I worship you and glorify your holy name. Blessed be God forever and ever more, Amen and Amen! #MuchBlessings

God knew what He was saying when He said I will do a new thing. He understood how stale and irrelevant old things could be. Again, he said don't make repetition while you are talking to me. He knows how boring and annoying saying same story could be. In this last days, the scripture is fulfilled, God has poured out His Spirit upon all flesh. Many beautiful things are happening. People are getting nice ideas everyday. God is showing His people good treasures and green pastures. They are doing great things. New concepts, new ideas, new revelations, new songs, beautiful stuffs. Devil has got no stand here, God-kinds are taking over. If you are where you were, come to where you should be. There's no point repeating somebody's songs to make your own album. Compose your own songs. There's no point preaching somebody else's message. Preach your own message. Your life is not copy and paste, but a special script that should be read. You are not humanly programmed, but divinely designed to do excellent things. Enough of unnecessary repetitions. Let's get to the core of our identity and uniqueness in Christ. Peace. #MuchBlessings

The duo took a break from their work at Yahoo company. They really desired something new, so traveled to South America as a break from work. One of them got an iPhone and realized that the App store was about creating an industry of apps. He became enthused, and went to discuss with his friends. Immediately, he got an idea. He thought of an app that would have statuses next to individual names of the people. He named the app "WhatsApp" to sound like "What's up", or "What are you up to", an active phrase that could make any youth interested, even the old ones. On February 24, 2009, WhatsApp became incorporated in California. At a point, he was fed up because the app often crashed and got stuck, but his friend encouraged him to wait for a few more months. Him and his friends had invested over $250,000. The app later had android and other versions. By December 2013, WhatsApp had got over 400 million users. On February 19, 2014, Facebook bought over WhatsApp for $19 billion. The duo had invested not up to 1% of that amount but became billionaires in approximately 5 years after, just from one idea. An idea can give you the money that the smartest scam cannot give you. The names of the duo are Jan Koum and Brian Acton. #Blessings

The Spirit of God is an unending source of great ideas. Starting from the account of creation, when the Spirit of God was present, God had an idea of how the heaven and earth should look like. But the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. But the darkness and emptiness couldn't stop the Spirit of God from moving. They couldn't stop God's idea of making the heaven and earth beautiful. Every idea from God is a winning idea; no matter the situation, no matter the opposition. I believe one of the strategies of the devil is to frustrate us with problems so that we will not be able to implement God's ideas. But No!!! We will not give-in. But, we will go ahead and implement those long, overdue ideas. While God is waiting for us to do something, we are waiting for him to do everything. He has given us His Spirit. He has given us His Word. The Spirit of God opens our eyes to ideas in the Word of God. Whenever you need an idea, go into the Word and engage the Spirit of God to reveal ideas to you. You will be shocked with how much ideas you will get. I see you with loads of testimonies. You are winning in life. #MuchBlessings

Sewage in old age was a pollution. It was a waste and irritant. But that was when there were no ideas. That was when there were no information on what to do. In this new age, sewage is recycled and converted to better things. It is no longer seen as just a waste and pollution to the environment, but as raw material for better products. Sewage is a collection of waste water and excrement conveyed in sewers. An average human consumes about 50 liters of fresh water everyday for domestic purposes such as bathing, washing, cooking, cleaning and flushing. The collection of this 'used water' is called sullage. Drinking water (potable water) is not part of this because it's put inside the body. Sullage is easier to purify than sewage. Notwithstanding, sewage has got benefits after being recycled. Sewage contains water, dissolved minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, oil and fats, coliform bacteria and total suspended solids. Sewage is treated in Sewage treatment plant by primary, secondary and tertiary stages of treatment. The impurities are removed. The bacteria and solid mass of the sewage are separated and dried up to be used as compost in a garden. The water left is treated by several filtration methods, chlorination, ozonation and/or with ultraviolet light. After all these, the clean water is ready for use, for domestic and industrial purposes. #Blessings

God bless the fathers some more. I'm so inspired about the fathers. Thank God for the fathers. They lead us. They direct us. They instruct us. They guide us. They teach us. They correct us. They feed us. They protect us. They mold us. Fathers are rare gem. They are epitome of greatness. With fathers, our future is secured. With fathers, our path is straightened. With fathers, we are led by the way of righteousness. With fathers, our work is easier. With fathers, we learn wisdom and gain experience. With fathers, we can discern. With fathers, we are delivered from the enemies. With fathers, we don't fall into ditch. With fathers, we know the right things to do. With fathers, we are motivated and inspired, and we can journey till the end. With fathers, our paths are guided and directed. Fathers suffer pains and shame on our behalf. They endure discomfort so that we can be comfortable. They release their shoulders so that we can reach greater heights. They work in the night, so that we can walk in the light. Fathers are not only biological, but they are blessing to every area of our lives as well. I pray for the fathers; May you increase more. May your strength be renewed. May your health be preserved. May you see generations of your children's children. May God bless all your labours on earth and multiply your blessings. Peace. #MuchBlessings

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Your Body is Good

"You are too short", "You are too tall", "Your nose is too big", "Your lips are too small", "Why are you not light-skinned?", "Why are you not a man?", Comments from wrong minds. They say everything to make you feel disadvantaged. They make you feel deficient or inadequate. But your body is not a stigma. It is not an object of debate. It is a blessing. No matter what people are not okay with. It doesn't matter. As far as your body is concerned, it's suited for its purpose. And every part of it is unique for you. No basis for comparison. No basis for measurement. Good image about yourself is important. It makes you appreciate what you have and boost your confidence. More so, you unleash your abilities and potentials. The point is- you are a normal, complete human being made in the image and likeness of God. That is the fact. Check and recheck to see the blessing of your image. It's all made good. I'm happy for you. Enjoy your life. #Blessings

The Women Episodes; Precious Women

The first time God said "It is not good" was when he has not made a woman. The moment He made a woman, everything becomes good. Women are people of good and perfect being. If a woman is not there, it is not good.

The ventromedial prefrontal cortex and areas in the limbic system are so active in women. These areas control intuition. No wonder women have high intuition. They have high sense of inner knowing, even before they know it.

Anytime a woman is going out, she dresses up beyond her body. She dresses her mind (thinks about it), she dresses her emotions (feels about it), and finally dresses her will (acts about it) before she's ready to go. If she's not prepared to go, she's not ready to go. Women are not casual. They are actual.

It's an insult to God to say a woman is ugly, Because God's creation of humanity was completed and perfected on women. Every woman is beautiful. Beauty does not make us differentiate women. It makes us appreciate them.

It shouldn't be a woman's headache to be looking for who will marry her. That is the man's job. Let her keep adding value. Thousand men will locate her. Why? Because men run after value, not after title.

Women don't communicate what men don't understand. Men don't understand what women don't communicate. Alright, let's reach a balance. Women, please communicate, so men can understand. Men, please understand, so women can communicate. 

We are over 7.6 billion people living in the world today. None of us jumped down from heaven, but came through a woman. Women are God's special vessels of bringing humanity into reality. If there's no woman, there is no human.
Every part of a woman is private. That was why she was not made in the presence of a man. But was later brought to him to appreciate. Dear lady, if you want your man to value what you have, don't make it public. Your body is not for public consumption. It is for private conditions.

If we told you not to have boyfriend, it's not because we hate boys, it's because we hate what usually happens with boys. A lot of young women have got themselves into troubles because of this. STDs, unplanned pregnancy, abortion, miscarriages, infertility, emotional disbalance, school dropout, marital conflicts, depression, bad memories, and so on are the bad packages that go along with such bad companies. Dear lady, Beware!

To tell a woman "something is wrong with her body", is to tell her "something is wrong with her life". A woman doesn't just hear words, she feels words and relates with words. Wrong words can damage her system. Right words can build up her system. Don't say wrong words to women, no matter what!

Every system in a woman is actively working. Her vision is sharp, she can see the smallest things. Her olfactory is good, she can smell the farthest dangers. Her auditory is powerful, she can hear the lowest decibels. Her gustatory is highly selective, she can taste the slightest affection. Her integumentary is sensitive, she can feel the tiniest touch. Oh, what a wonder a woman is! She's a superbeing.

Hi ladies, keep yourself together. Freshen up. Tidy up. Look elegant. Dress beautiful. Do your work. Watch your weight. Avoid fat and junk foods. Do regular breast examination. Do regular exercise. Take a long stroll. Relate well with people. Be your best person. Live a good life.

Today is special. I celebrate all the women in my life. Starting from my babygirls, to my ladies, to my sisters, to my aunties, and to my great mothers, You've been extremely wonderful. I thank God for making our paths meet in life. I sure bet it with you that your greatness will never be contained. Thanks so much for being a blessing. Y'all are forever celebrated. Much love.

A woman is a wombed man. She has a womb for incubating. She's either incubating an idea in her mind or incubating a baby in her womb. Eitherways, the result should be a blessing to the world. Women are treasures of inestimable value.
Everything about a woman is beautiful. Her voice is beautiful. Her walk is beautiful. Her talk is beautiful. Her look is beautiful. Her mind is beautiful. And of course, her life is beautiful. If you are a woman, conform to the woman you are. You are beautiful.
Can a woman become President? Yes! Can a woman preach? Yes! God didn't put competition between men and women. He puts completion between them. What a man can do, a woman can do, not with a competitive spirit but with an institutive spirit. God didn't create human competitions, He creates human institutions.

Women are highly emotionally intelligent. From a small growing girl to a matured adult woman, they understand emotions and the bits of it. Emotional intelligence helps women with their relational and communication skills.

A woman does not want affection, she needs it. The easiest way to kill a woman is not to shoot her, It is to make her feel unloved. A woman who is not loved will be lost. To every woman who has never experienced genuine love from any man, I present to you the unfailing love of God that fills the heart with joy. Please, accept it.

"I hope there's nothing wrong with me for these past 3days, I've not just been feeling myself" -A soliloquy from a lady about herself. Hey dear, there is nothing wrong with you. You only need not to wrong yourself. But, there's so much internal and external conflicts going on with women. Anyway, there's much more peace available. You can get it.

There has been a sudden rise of single mothers in the US recently. Top causes have been divorce and premarital pregnancies. Life becomes stressful for a woman when she's carrying it alone. We've got to do it together. Women, please help men. Stay with your spouse. Enjoy your marriage. Don't endure it.

Who has found a virtuous woman? For her price is more than rubies. A woman of character and value, full of wisdom and humility. She looks well to the ways of her household and eats not the bread of idleness. Her children call her blessed, and her husband praises her. Oh, what a great woman.
God loves women and protects them. One woman was dragged to Jesus by some accusing men because of adultery. They wanted to stone her, but asked Jesus what he thinks. Jesus asked them- "Anyone among you who has never committed sin should be the first to stone her" Surprisingly, they all left. What??? Bunch of hypocrites. So they've all committed sin before and went unpunished but want somebody else to be punished because of sin. Jesus knew their wickedness. He dissolved their wiles. Then, he asked the woman, "where are your accusers?" She said "they've all left." Then, Jesus said "I don't condemn you, go and sin no more." That is the gospel. The woman received good news from Jesus, and it liberated her from the power of sin and judgment and gave her eternal life. Oh, what a life of God. #Blessings

Only God knows wherever the ideology of women talk too much is coming from. People that don’t understand anything are the ones that will be using such insultive, abusive language. They rather keep shut their mouths than vomiting foolishness. What are the criteria for talking too much? Is there limit to how many words anyone can utter before somebody began to say it is too much? With the nature God created women with, ability to talk with good expression is a requirement. Imagine someone who wants to care but can’t talk. Imagine someone who is going to help but lacks expression, or someone who will mother children, nurture them, and train them up to adulthood but can’t open her mouth or lacks verbal expression, how do you want her to get all these job done, just to mention but a few. You realized that wherever that ideology of women talk too much is coming from is demonic and oppressive. And most commonly, the response by women at such expression is to restrain and began to close their mouths, keep things secretive to themselves and even sometimes lack confidence of speaking in the public because of the impression that they talk too much. A closed mouth is a closed destiny. Now, in as much as I’m not advocating for foolish talks and unnecessary jestings around, I’m not also in support of women being silenced. They should be allowed to express their good nature well enough without oppression or intimidation from any human being. Sometimes, some people say women are secretive, but they don’t know that’s a response to negative impression that was communicated to them about their nature, but now the order is changing, as women are becoming mighty agents of change through their words in our world today. Warm regards.

The subject of sex (sexual intercourse, coitus, or copulation) is what we hardly talk about, but we often think about; old and young, men and women, boys and girls. The problem starts the moment you reach puberty and become sexually matured. All kinds of feelings began to set in. It usually becomes heightened at late teens, the most dangerous period among the young people. It's very important we get it right, so, we don't do it wrong. Sex, on its own is a beautiful thing. No man created it, but God. Now, the only place where God puts sex is in marriage. Every other place is illegal. The benefits of sex are within marriage. But the problems of sex are without marriage. If you are not married, you are not allowed. The reasons are not far-fetched. Sex goes beyond the act. It's a commitment that has emotional attachment with a lot of involvements. As a single, you wouldn't want to have problem in your marriage. Now in marriage, sex is of utmost importance. A man does not want sex in marriage, he needs it. Wives, for you to enjoy your home and have a happy husband, you've got to step up your sexual life. He's not gonna be begging you all the time for it. He needs it. You are not gonna be giving him excuses all the time. You initiate it. Tell him what you want. Show him how you want it. Instead of frustrating him with excuses every now and then. Show interest in what he's interested in. This has nothing to do with his status. He needs it. Then, as a man, self control is of utmost importance. Don't rush into marriage because you are looking for sex, you may not have it all the time, but understand your wife and give her what she needs. She needs affection. Know how to set her on. Know how to play her keys. Let's have a happy home. Let's live a good life. And our families will be blessing to the world. Have a splendorous weekend. #Blessings.

Is it easy to be a woman or not? We've always heard, "It's not easy to be a man", but again, Is it also easy to be a woman? A woman can give you a tip of an iceberg. Life is not difficult, but life has demands. There are a lot of expectations on women. An average woman is not lazy. Environment may not allow her, but she's not lazy. A woman has got so much responsibility. She is the one that carries pregnancy for 9months. She's the one that undergoes the labour pains. What of the monthly pains? She's the one that endures it, and even count it as her norm. She's the one that helps her husband. She's the one that breastfeeds and caters for her children. She's the one that makes sure her make-up is on point to have a befitting look. She's the one that people expect to build her home. She's the one that people expect to train up her kids. She's the one. She's the one that is expected to put her house in order. She's the one that if dressings are not good on her children, the first to be blamed, she's the one. She's also the one if her husband is not regular at home or doesn't love to come back home, she's the one. She thinks every time, feels every time and works every time. All towards one goal- Caring. Women have got so much abilities and strength that men cannot phantom. Yes, you can say women are the backbone, because if they are not there, I'm not sure you will be there. Special thanks to all our precious women all around the world, who have been a source of huge blessing to us. May you live to enjoy the blessings of your labour. #MuchBlessings

Ruth was a woman of our like passion, who despite all odds took a giant step that put her name in the genealogy of Jesus. A strange woman who converted her frustration to ministration to generations. Oh, I love Ruth! She knew something that Orpah, her fellow sister-in-law didn't know. Naomi, their mother-in-law gave the two of them tangible reasons why they had to leave. That was enough for Orpah to leave. But, Ruth had higher reasons why she had to cleave and not to leave; right in the midst of adversity and hopelessness. Ruth, indeed was a great woman of faith and strong-mindedness. No wonder she was the only one among the Moabites (the enemies of God) whose name was written with golden pen in the genealogy of our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope there are still Ruths in our generation; Women, who will despite all difficulties and challenges, stand up higher and turn those problems to generational blessings. Much more testimonies await the Ruths of our generation. #MuchBlessings
Menstruation (menses, period) is a monthly vaginal discharge due to shedding of uterine lining. It’s usually 3 to 5days, but could be longer or shorter. The menstrual cycle happens in the space of 21 to 35days; average of 28days. First menstruation takes place anytime from age 10. Most times, women experience some symptoms and behavioural changes before and during menstruation. Good measures to ameliorate some of those difficulties could be exercise (releases endorphins; natural painkiller), warm bath, warm drinks and heating pad on the abdomen (relax the uterine muscles), reduced intake of salt and sugar, increased intake of fruits and vegetables (sources of good vitamins) and use of analgesics. In some part of the world, women are maltreated during this period. They claimed women are unclean, so they isolate them. I wondered the kind of shame and embarrassment such women would undergo every month because God made them women. But that is ignorance. I say that must stop! Menstruation for a woman, is an evidence of fertility and good functioning system. Except for pregnancy, women menstruate all through their reproductive years. Women endure a lot of things that men don’t understand. It’s important that men understand women’s system and don’t always criticize them because they don’t know what they are going through per time. Knowledge is required to live happily with one another. #Blessings

Women have got a special circuit in their system called Papez circuit. The circuit is associated with emotions and consolidation of memory. There are certain experiences in a day that replay in a woman’s mind like thousand times. It happens right in the papez circuit. If the experience is not pleasant, it’s like a poison in her system that needs to be got rid of before it damages her system. Just like someone who is so pressed with running stomach will not feel comfortable until she releases those disturbances out of her system, so is a woman who is seriously disturbed with negative stuffs in her mind would not feel comfortable until she’s relieved of those things. A woman gets relieved by expression. She needs to open up. She needs to release what is in her mind in words and expressions. She can get someone of good heart to share her pains with. Dear woman, please don’t hide your pains inside, they can eat you up. Release them and be filled with good life. Expression is not vulnerability. It’s a freedom from burdens that thrive in concealment but dissolve in appeasement. Enjoy a stress-free life.
Serpent came and deceived the woman. She was so shocked of what happened thereafter. She has just been deceived. She was not gullible, but pretty innocent and receptive. Adam, her husband was so angry when he realized she gave him wrong fruit. Every reason for her innocent mistake was not just plausible to him. He wouldn’t want to believe her anymore. It’s adamic nature for a man to disbelieve and not have trust with his wife. As a man, don’t always find faults with your wife. She might have little weakness, but that’s not wickedness. She needs your encouragement. Don’t let her feel she’s not important or her opinion doesn’t count. It hurts a woman deep in her spirit to know that you don’t appreciate or count her important in your life. She’s not just your wife, she’s your helpmeet. She’s not just the mother of your children, she’s your closest companion after HolySpirit. If she made mistake, don’t count it on her. Don’t remind her of her past errors and mistakes. If you do, you will be killing her inside. She’ll be crying day and night. But rather, support her, encourage her, motivate her, forgive her, compliment her, accommodate her, appreciate her, celebrate her, surprise her with gifts, admire her, nourish her, impress her, beautify her, and correct her in love. For God, he did a big surprise with Eve’s mistake. He turned things around. Devil thought he got it all laid out to have won humanity, but nothing did he know that he only paved a way for divinity to manifest in humanity, and God became man to make men become gods. How did He do it? Part 2. #Blessings
Devil has done a smart job. He deceived the woman, left her in pains and agony. Then God intervened; He told devil, “though you've deceived the woman and made humanity fell into sin, but I will tell you what you don't know, that same woman I will use to bring humanity back to divinity”. Devil went and restrategized. It became a tug of war between God and devil. Devil began to mess up every woman he suspected God could use. He knew God hated sin. He defiled all the suspected women God could use. Several generations passed, God was still looking. He was on a thorough search. Finally, God found a virgin, a young woman who has not defiled herself. Then, God packaged himself and came to earth through one of his Arch Angels. The Angel met the virgin and told her- "You have been favoured of the Lord, and Blessed among women". The Angel delivered the Word to her. The moment she received the Word, the Word became implanted in her womb and grew. After 9months, the Word became flesh and dwelled among us. Devil was confused. He was still looking for how God would come down and use somebody. Elizabeth was a suspect, so her womb was shut. But God intervened, and gave her child in her old age. That wasn’t God's direction. He only used that to open the floor and prepare the ground. Devil still didn't understand what was happening. Now the virgin, Mary, after 9months, gave birth to a child and called his name Jesus. What??? Devil was shocked. But this was a lady that was not yet married. How come? He was extremely confused. Divine intervention has given devil unexpected hypertension. God knew what he was doing, right from the beginning. Mary gave birth to Jesus. Humanity was restored back to God. Mary was highly instrumental. God wouldn’t have achieved that without woman. No wonder woman was a perfection of His good work. Now, women are blessed. Women are favoured. Women are happy. Devil is put to perpetual shame. Glory to God. But, has everything finally ended??? Part 3.

Mary was instrumental to the first miracle that Jesus did on earth. She told the people to do whatever he asked them to do. Lo and behold, the first miracle happened at a wedding ceremony. Another time Jesus was seated by the well and met a woman who came to fetch. She had an encounter with Jesus and ran back to the city with the Gospel of joy. People came out to welcome Jesus and received him. There was another woman with an Alabaster box who came to worship and beautify Jesus with her expensive ointment. What about Mary Magdalene? a woman who had 7 demons but got delivered by Jesus and became his disciple. She was one of the first people who saw Jesus after resurrection. So much to talk about how women were of great blessing to Jesus' ministry. And I believe greater than those women are here. Women whose lives are expression of Grace, whose minds are filled with heaven, bringing divinity into reality. Thank God for such Great Women in our world today. Greater happenings are yet to come.

Friday, November 10, 2017

The Season Episodes; Seasons Of Life

The reality of life is that there will always be times and seasons for things in life. If you know it, you will enjoy it.

v It's summer. All bright out, with hot weather. There's plenty of daylight because the earth axis is tilted towards the sun. There's plenty of heat because the sun's rays hit the earth for a longer time. The former causes the latter.

v Seasons make life beautiful. Different seasons present us with different opportunities to enjoy life. Don't wait for winter. Enjoy summer.

v Different places have different seasons. Summer in northern hemisphere like Ukraine is Winter in southern hemisphere like Australia. The place you are is important for the season you enjoy.

v It's raining season, bring out your bowls to collect water. Don't forget to also till your land and sow good seeds. Work when you have to work. Rest when you have to rest. Don't rest when you have to work. Don't work when you have to rest.

v Seasons are regular. They occur again and again. They happen at some time, but not every time. They happen at some place, but not every place.

v Being a youth is for a season. You are not gonna be young forever. Your energy, your strength, your ideas, your talents, your abilities, your resources should be channeled toward things that will profit your future, not things that will profane your future. Next season is waiting for you.

v Situations of life are not permanent. They are seasons, which are for reasons. They will soon go. But the reasons will soon show. Don't just follow the seasons, know the reasons.

v It's wisdom to prepare for winter in summer, to prepare for dry season in raining season, to prepare for evil day on happy day, to prepare for sowing in reaping, to prepare for marriage while still single.

v The end of one season is the beginning of another. The beginning of one season is the end of another. There's no time of life without season. There is no season of life without time. Life runs in seasons, and Seasons run with life.

v Certain crops are for certain seasons. Any mistake to sow outside the right season will amount to a loss. As a man, don't plant your seeds before marriage. That would be a wrong season. You wouldn't want to waste your seeds. Make sure the time is right. Plant in good season.

v There is heat during summer. There is cold during winter. There is rain during spring. And there is fall during autumn. Every season of life has its peculiarities.

v Every season of life is important. Whether they appear good or not. They will, on the long run amount to your benefit. Don't be in a hurry to run out of a season when you've not found out the reason. The reason might be as important as the season. It's for a purpose.

v There is usually gastrointestinal infections during summer because of food spoilage by heat. And there's usually respiratory infections during winter because of cold. Cold is needed during summer and heat is needed during winter. What is problem in one season is a blessing in another season.

v Ants come out during summer to gather their food and stay in during winter to eat their food. If ants could understand seasons, humans should much more.

v Everybody has different seasons. Everybody must pass through their own seasons. Seasons are not calamities. But are moments of opportunities in diversity.

v Some people only stayed with you for a season. They were never meant to be with you for a clinging. They were only there with you for a reason. The moment the reason is done, their season is gone. But we have higher reasons that go beyond seasons.

v Special seasons are special occasions. People come out in their numbers to celebrate. They move from place to place and from cities to cities. Howbeit, the celebration is occasional but your contribution is intentional.

v There are God-made seasons. There are man-made seasons. There are appointed seasons. There are disappointed seasons. Create the kind of season you want around you by the kind of reason you have within you.

v Every season is a blessing. The problems therein, notwithstanding. Even in dry season, there's a blessing. It teaches us wisdom on how to manage abundance and exercise discipline.

v Divine source is not seasonal. It's available anytime, everytime; anywhere, everywhere.

v Human help is seasonal. You may get it today and be denied tomorrow. Divine help is interventional. You can get it today and be sure of tomorrow.

v If you don't stretch yourself out of season, you won't upgrade yourself up for a reason.

v Seasons have made us to acknowledge time better, understand happenings and events better and appreciate life better.

v You may not be able to control every season of life, but you can always control your reason to every season.

v If you pray with good reasons, you will not pray in few seasons. Prayer is not once in a while. Prayer is all in a while.

v Friendship goes beyond greetings and exchange of pleasantries. We’ve got different definitions to friendship and there are various types. However, the basis of any friendship is agreement. Their attitudes and behaviours must agree, if not all, at least some. There must be a basis of congruency- a factor that makes you correspond in character or nature. If you are looking for a good friend, check yourself first if you are or can be a good friend. Sometimes, we desire some things in people that we don’t have ourselves. An acid test for a true friend is love. Any person that claims to be your friend and does not express love is not a true friend. One of the major expressions of love is giving. The person can give his time, energy, resources, money, even integrity on your behalf. The person can forgive, can be patient, selfless and not proud or bumptious. Now, this doesn’t mean, until you find all these qualities, the person is not a true friend, No! you will see traces of all these qualities, if not obvious, at least some of them. The important thing is love is expressed from a sincere heart. I encourage you to be a true friend, and you will surely find true friends around you. You are attracted to who you are. Be the person you want in people. #Excerpt#TheLanguageOfChange #Chapter4 #ChangeYourExpressions

v To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted; A time to kill, And a time to heal; A time to break down, And a time to build up; A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, And a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing; A time to gain, And a time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to throw away; A time to tear, And a time to sew; A time to keep silence, And a time to speak; A time to love, And a time to hate; A time of war, And a time of peace. #ExcerptFromTheScriptures

v God created seasons for reasons. If not so, he wouldn't have done it. God is not interested in what makes man happy, he's interested in what makes man fulfilled. Everything God created around man was there for his fulfillment. Nothing was there for show. Whatever God created is good. If it is not good, it is not God, if it is not God, it is not good. There's a being that always abuse everything God does- that is the devil. He's not interested in anything good. He always wants man to see the negative side of everything God does. If God made beauty, he would make you feel guilty with it. If God made seasons, he would make you see reasons why they are not good. But who cares? Don't care about the devil. Don't care about his tactics. For everything God does is good and will always be good.

v There's no point living, if there's nothing to do. Some people have been living on earth as though they are not alive. They beg to live. They struggle to live. People can't see any impact they are making, just seeing their physical body but have died inside long ago because nothing is coming from within. But, the fact is there's something to do. Problems in life cannot be exhausted. There's a problem you are meant to solve. There's a solution you are meant to give. You add value and become someone of great value when you solve problems. How do you solve problems? The first thing is for you to know that you have the capacity to solve problems. Next is, desire. A burning energy that gives you what it takes to get the job done. Next, identify a need or a problem and get ideas on how to solve it. How??? ... Excerpt from: #TheLanguageOfChange #Chapter3 #ChangeYourImpressions

v Everyday is special. There's nothing that makes Sunday different from Monday, or Saturday different from Thursday. They are all the same. They are all special. It's a mindset! God made everyday special. It's human activities that made some days special and some days casual. They made some days working, and some days resting. Anyway, it's okay in as much as it doesn't affect your mindset on the fact that God made all days equal and puts his blessings on each day. Everyday is the day that the Lord has made. It could be Friday. It could be Saturday. And we will rejoice and be glad in it. Don't fix your mind on a particular day of the week as being special. Everyday for a believer is special. It's only a religious bigot that would say one day of the week is special than the other. Did you know that God has a package for you everyday, including today? He always loads us with benefits daily, not weekly or monthly, but daily. Don't let Devil rob you of your daily blessings. Your life everyday is an opportunity. It pleases God to make your life special everyday and make you enjoy it. He desires you to enjoy every day of your life. He wouldn't want your enjoyment to be once in a week, or twice in a week, but everyday of your life. Therefore, prepare everyday of the week as being special. Make everyday special and receive the blessings God has package therein for you. You're blessed!

The Seed Episodes; The Seed Principle

Everything that has life, has seeds. Life could only continue because of seeds. If you want good future, don't buy good fruits, buy good seeds.

v God wouldn't need to create everybody all at once. All he needed to do was to put everybody inside one body, How? Through seeds.

v Thoughts are seeds. When they germinate and grow in the mind, they produce feelings, emotions, actions and behaviours. Bad seeds produce bad fruits. Bad thoughts produce bad life. To change your fruits, change your seeds. To change your life, change your thoughts.

v Bitterness is a seed that starts on the inside and manifests on the outside. It drains the mind of its nutrients and energy and make it unproductive. To enjoy your life, remove every seed of bitterness and replace with seed of gladness.

v Big trees don't fall from heaven. They are planted as seeds on earth and over time, they germinate and become giant trees. Greatness doesn't happen overnight. It starts as a seed on the inside and manifest as a fruit on the outside

v I remembered, in my childhood days, when I was so fond of planting maize seeds in our compound. I would ask my mom to give me a cup of dry maize seeds and I would go out with excitement to put those seeds in the ground. I did several of those experiment and was always happy the way they turned out. What always amazed me as a young, growing boy was how those small seeds would turn out to become big bunches of maize corn. All I needed to do was to get a good soil and nurtured the maize plant till it's due for harvest. Sunlight, rainfall and other requirements were naturally available. That time, I wouldn't know I was leveraging on the law of nature to multiply my seeds. Seeds have potentials. But until you release them, they can't multiply. Release your seeds.

v The heart of man is like a field where a man sowed good seed; but while he slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared and produced weeds. So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ Less the enemies sowed bad seeds into your heart, gird it with all diligence, for out of it comes out what determines whether your life will be good or not. Excerpts from the scriptures; 'paraphrased'

v For every need in your life, there's a seed in your hand. Your seeds will always meet your needs. Don't look for who will meet your needs. Look for who will show your seeds.

v Men know how to produce seeds. Women know how to multiply seeds. Devil knows how to destroy seeds. God knows how to create seeds.

v Good seed cannot produce bad fruit. Bad seed cannot produce good fruit. You can't change your fruit if you have not changed your seed.

v I walked around, I looked around and I searched around. I found out many are looking for what to eat. But only few are looking for what to plant. Many want fruits. But only few want seeds. Many are consumers. But only few are producers.

v If there's no seed, there is no; replenishment, replacement, reproduction, recreation, replication or regeneration. Where seeds are absent, nothing is present.

v Seeds can be eaten as foods. Cereals, legumes, and nuts are examples. Seeds are good source of cooking and non-cooking oils. Cooking oils; palm oil, soybean oil, canola oil (rapeseed oil), corn oil, and peanut oil. Non-cooking oils; Linseed oil (used in paints). Seeds are used to make beverages, spices, and food additives. Seeds are good source of medicines. Castor oil, tea tree oil, and laetrile (cancer drug) are examples. Seeds have been used as beads in necklaces and rosaries, including Job's tears, chinaberry, rosary pea, and castor bean. Seeds are used as toys by children. Resin from clusia roses seeds is used to caulk boats. Chemicals that kill nematodes, nematicides, are from milkweed seeds. Also, cottonseed meal is used as animal feed and fertilizer. These and many more are important benefits of seeds.

v I was highly emotional yesterday. I wept. I found out something important. How many times have I had the thought that God loved everybody and not only me. I had jealous for general love. I had always thought that God only remembered me whenever he remembered everybody. So I didn't care about God's personal love towards me. I didn't understand God's mindset that though he created everybody, he relates with us individually and has plans for everyone of us. He communicates his mind to me, so I don't misunderstand his actions. Likewise, God taught me that it's better to understand somebody's mindset than to be twisted by their actions. Better to know someone from the inside than to know them from the outside. When their actions fail you, their mindset will not fail you. When their outside fluctuate, their inside will not deviate from who they are. God relates with us from who we are, not from where we are.

v Everyday comes with the opportunity to sow new seeds. Our actions and decisions are the seeds we sow into new day, and the harvest manifest in our lives. Don't waste your day, sow good seeds.

v Small minds play with seeds. Great minds work with seeds.

v People with wrong seeds always have wrong thoughts. Even if you have good intentions, they will misinterpret it to wrong impressions. Nurture good seeds.

v Devil is not looking for your fruit. He's looking for your seed. He doesn't have problem with your fruit. He has problem with your seed.

v Physical location doesn't limit your seeds. It is mental dislocation that limits your seeds.

v The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? His heart is evil and his thoughts everyday are full of evil. If you are close to his heart, you will hear the breath of wickedness. Your experiences in life may confirm this. But, let it not be a distraction. Don't be evil because people are evil. Don't be cynical because people disappointed you. All those things are not factor in your life. No negative contribution from outside can affect your life if you don't allow. God has given us a heart to love. God has given us a life to cheer. Love overrules darkness. Love subdues wickedness. Let love fill your heart. Let love full your life. That is the easiest way to enjoy your best life on earth.

v Oh what a blessing to stand in prayers and communicate with my heavenly father, who is the creator of heaven and earth. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and putting to subjection every thought that is not of God and making them come under the obedience of Christ. In prayers, I plant the Word of God as a seed to meet my need. In prayers, I access my spiritual storehouse and bring out whatever items I want. In prayers, I know the mind of my father and have access to divine mysteries. In prayers, I make the Word become flesh. In prayers, my spirit is lighted up and full revelation and understanding of the Word of God is attained. In prayers, every burden is lifted and depression disappeared. In prayers, my body is vitalized and every disease disappeared. Prayer is not a religious way of living, It is a revelational way of winning. Prayer has not lost its value, it still work like fire.

v We can't talk about seed without talking about soil. Soil brings out whatever is inside a seed. Seed cannot manifest without the soil. The success of every seed is inside the soil.

v 'Love of money' is a wrong seed. It makes you chase wrong things. Money is essential but not indispensable. Rather than running after money, become someone of value.

v When you are hungry, you are tempted to eat your seed. But please, don't! When you are angry, you are tempted to throw away your seed. But please, don't! Those that sow in tears, will reap in joy, and come back with their sheaves(testimonies).

v Seed produces seed. Life produces life. Value produces value. Nothing produces nothing. Don't expect something when you've invested nothing.

v And Isaac sowed in the land and he reaped hundred folds, because the Lord blessed him. You too can sow in this land, and reap many folds because the Lord has blessed you.

v There has never been any shortcut to success in life, and there will never be. I'm not talking about manifestation, neither am I talking about just having result. I'm talking about real success, lasting success. The secret is work. If it is tangible, then it becomes hardwork. Hardwork doesn't mean difficult or stressful work, it simply means evident or manifested work. You don't just work with your mouth, you work with your hand. Your hand represents tool for work. Work is not a curse on humanity. It is a call from divinity. With work, you crystallize your ideas. With work, your vision becomes a reality. With work, you grow into maturity. With work, your word becomes flesh. With work, your problems become blessings. With work, your life becomes envy. With work, situations are turned around. With work, you have hope for the future. With work, the kingdom of God is established on earth. With work, heaven is brought down on earth. With work, the mouths of the enemies are shut. With work, we conquer our lands and take hold of our possessions. With work we fulfil our dreams here on earth. With work, we live our best life on earth. And with work, our faith becomes our fame

v Technology will not upgrade the Word of God. Civilization will not modernize the Word of God; still the same, never changed. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever more. Our knowledge about the Word of God can improve but not the Word Himself. We may find new light, get new revelation and all of that, but the light has never changed but our perspective and understanding about it may change. To see the light brighter and better, we need to keep beholding him like in a mirror with an unveiled face. And as we keep beholding him like in a mirror with an unveiled face, we are being transmogrified into the image of Christ from glory to glory. And this is done by the Spirit, who is the Lord.

v Because of seeds, we can continue to eat. Because of seeds, we can continue to live. Because of seeds, we can continue to multiply. And because of seeds, we can continue to dominate. Hummm, we can only 'continue', because of seeds. Thank God for the Wisdom of seed.