v The mind is a factory where all kinds of products of life are manufactured.
v You cannot know the power of information until it is planted in the soil of the mind and harvested!
v Ask me again and again, and I'll tell you that the most expensive commodity in the market of life is the mind. Forces are fighting on it.
v There are daily infectious agents that attack the mind...like bad moments that happen during the day that replay in the mind countless times, top the list. Get ur mind immunized.
v Physical relocation doesn't mean anything if there has not been a change in your mental allocation.
v You cannot live the life of Christ if you don't have the mind of Christ. The blueprint of life is imprinted in the mind.
v Devil does not need to fight with what is in your hand, he only needs to attack what is in your mind.
v Fear and anxiety are part of the infectious agents that attack the mind and put it in a diseased state; expressing all kinds of signs and symptoms. Immunize your mind before the attack.
v Miracle is an event that only supernatural mind can produce, a natural mind doesn't have what it takes to conceive it.
v The only place where knowledge is transformed to wisdom is in the mind.
v You cannot settle your life if you have not settled your mind. Put it in another way, you cannot make up your life if you have not made up your mind.
v You can reproduce again and again what you have in your hand, if you have it in your mind.
v One of the most important subfaculties of your mind is the area where images are produced, we call it imagination... nations of images. You can form the picture of your future through it. Your future is in your mind.
v The only part of your being that can give full expression to the kingdom of God is your mind. Get your mind engaged with the kingdom.
v Possibility and Impossibility are two conflicting forces in the realm of the mind. Before it manifests in the flesh, it has succeeded in the mind. Breakdown every stronghold of unbelief in your mind.
v Don't go for beautiful face, go for beautiful mind. For beauty is seen from the mind, not from the eyes.
v Beautiful face will catch your attention, beautiful mind will keep your attention. Go for what will not only catch your attention but keep it. A beautiful mind will live a beautiful life.
v Whatever is happening in your environment is interpreted by your mind. Whatever your mind interprets, that becomes your reality; you may feel cold in hot weather, you may feel abundance in poor environment. Not necessarily what the environment says, but what your mind interprets. Get a good interpreter.
v God will not make you rich by giving you money, He will make you rich by giving you a mind, prosperity mind.
v A paradigm shift in your mind is more than a million lift with your hand.
v Something always happen when what you say with your mouth corresponds with what is in your mind. I have the mind of Christ.
v Wise minds always know one thing to go for in the midst of plenty. Foolish minds don't know what to do even if they are given plenty things.
v If all you are going to school for is to get a good job and not a good mind then, sorry, an illiterate billionaire is better than you. Let education educates your mind.
v Stop living for people in your mind; thoughts of who loves you, who does not care for you, who backbites you and the likes. Engage your mind with your life assignment and not with human approvements.
v Expectation in the realm of your mind will give birth to manifestation in the palm of your hand. Connect what you see in your mind(softcopy) with what you want to see in your hand(hardcopy).
v Until your eyes connects with your mind, you may not recognize opportunities before you.
v About 60,000 thoughts cross human minds everyday. Large percentage of these thoughts come as distractions and overlaps. Within few minutes, they've gone. They've got no substantial benefit. Get your mind focused!
v A born-again spirit with an unrenewed mind cannot enjoy the benefits of new life in Christ.
v Only those with brave mind will always take the lion share.
v A sound mind produces sound results. Retentive and cognitive abilities, and intelligence are all functions of a mind in good condition.
v Global minds think globally and make global impact; Local minds think locally and make local impact. Start small but don't end small, you may look small, but see big. Global minds always solve global problems!
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