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Friday, November 3, 2017

Prayer that causes Change

There has been many controversies and disillusionment about prayer. When to pray, when not to pray. It's because of lack of understanding about prayer. The bible says 'pray without ceasing'. Prayer is not seasonal, neither is it sessional. It's not what you do only in church, but what you engage all the time. Prayer is the platform where God-kind establish the kingdom of God on earth. When you keep silent, heavens keep silent. When you pray, heavens go to work and make things work. Prayer makes power available to make changes. Nothing can be replaced with prayer. In prayer, we get direction and instruction. Many have abused prayer because of lack of understanding. They think prayer is disturbing God or asking God for something. In prayer, you are not asking God for something, you are communing or fellowshipping with His Spirit to establish His kingdom on earth and wipe out the kingdom of darkness. No wonder there's so much attack on prayer because devil wouldn't want his kingdom to be eroded. And because of Christians' laxity, there has been so much demonic activities almost everywhere. It's high time Christians arose and take their place in prayer. Five minutes of praying is better than 5 hours of talking. Pray without ceasing. #BeBlessed.

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