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Friday, November 3, 2017

Mirror Neurons

Something very interesting I found about some neurons in human brain. Neurologists called them Mirror Neurons. Mirror neurons are one of the most important discoveries in the last decade of neuroscience. These are a variety of visuospatial neurons that respond to actions that we observe in others. Neurologists found out that there are certain behaviours expressed by one person which can be perfectly mimicked by another person. One interesting thing with this is that the action always stimulate, energize and push the other person to mimic out the same action, even if the person has never done it before. This is possible because of those neurons which are activated in the premotor cortex, supplementary motor area, primary somatosensory cortex, and the inferior parietal cortex of our brain. The same thing happens with somebody yawning and the other person closeby catch the act of yawning and start yawning too. Same thing goes when you watch somebody doing something over time and you automatically know how to do it even if you've never done it before. Mirror neuron system develops before 12 months of age, and this system may help human infants understand people's actions. We have the understanding of “what” and “why” actions are done through mirror neuron system. Stepping up a bit higher is when we consider things we want to do. Get the picture or action in that area that can activate your mirror neurons to achieve your goals. This is one of the secrets of highfliers and successful people in the world. #Blessings

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