Everything that has life, has seeds. Life could only continue because of seeds. If you want good future, don't buy good fruits, buy good seeds.
v God wouldn't need to create everybody all at once. All he needed to do was to put everybody inside one body, How? Through seeds.
v Thoughts are seeds. When they germinate and grow in the mind, they produce feelings, emotions, actions and behaviours. Bad seeds produce bad fruits. Bad thoughts produce bad life. To change your fruits, change your seeds. To change your life, change your thoughts.
v Bitterness is a seed that starts on the inside and manifests on the outside. It drains the mind of its nutrients and energy and make it unproductive. To enjoy your life, remove every seed of bitterness and replace with seed of gladness.
v Big trees don't fall from heaven. They are planted as seeds on earth and over time, they germinate and become giant trees. Greatness doesn't happen overnight. It starts as a seed on the inside and manifest as a fruit on the outside
v I remembered, in my childhood days, when I was so fond of planting maize seeds in our compound. I would ask my mom to give me a cup of dry maize seeds and I would go out with excitement to put those seeds in the ground. I did several of those experiment and was always happy the way they turned out. What always amazed me as a young, growing boy was how those small seeds would turn out to become big bunches of maize corn. All I needed to do was to get a good soil and nurtured the maize plant till it's due for harvest. Sunlight, rainfall and other requirements were naturally available. That time, I wouldn't know I was leveraging on the law of nature to multiply my seeds. Seeds have potentials. But until you release them, they can't multiply. Release your seeds.
v The heart of man is like a field where a man sowed good seed; but while he slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared and produced weeds. So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ Less the enemies sowed bad seeds into your heart, gird it with all diligence, for out of it comes out what determines whether your life will be good or not. Excerpts from the scriptures; 'paraphrased'
v For every need in your life, there's a seed in your hand. Your seeds will always meet your needs. Don't look for who will meet your needs. Look for who will show your seeds.
v Men know how to produce seeds. Women know how to multiply seeds. Devil knows how to destroy seeds. God knows how to create seeds.
v Good seed cannot produce bad fruit. Bad seed cannot produce good fruit. You can't change your fruit if you have not changed your seed.
v I walked around, I looked around and I searched around. I found out many are looking for what to eat. But only few are looking for what to plant. Many want fruits. But only few want seeds. Many are consumers. But only few are producers.
v If there's no seed, there is no; replenishment, replacement, reproduction, recreation, replication or regeneration. Where seeds are absent, nothing is present.
v Seeds can be eaten as foods. Cereals, legumes, and nuts are examples. Seeds are good source of cooking and non-cooking oils. Cooking oils; palm oil, soybean oil, canola oil (rapeseed oil), corn oil, and peanut oil. Non-cooking oils; Linseed oil (used in paints). Seeds are used to make beverages, spices, and food additives. Seeds are good source of medicines. Castor oil, tea tree oil, and laetrile (cancer drug) are examples. Seeds have been used as beads in necklaces and rosaries, including Job's tears, chinaberry, rosary pea, and castor bean. Seeds are used as toys by children. Resin from clusia roses seeds is used to caulk boats. Chemicals that kill nematodes, nematicides, are from milkweed seeds. Also, cottonseed meal is used as animal feed and fertilizer. These and many more are important benefits of seeds.
v I was highly emotional yesterday. I wept. I found out something important. How many times have I had the thought that God loved everybody and not only me. I had jealous for general love. I had always thought that God only remembered me whenever he remembered everybody. So I didn't care about God's personal love towards me. I didn't understand God's mindset that though he created everybody, he relates with us individually and has plans for everyone of us. He communicates his mind to me, so I don't misunderstand his actions. Likewise, God taught me that it's better to understand somebody's mindset than to be twisted by their actions. Better to know someone from the inside than to know them from the outside. When their actions fail you, their mindset will not fail you. When their outside fluctuate, their inside will not deviate from who they are. God relates with us from who we are, not from where we are.
v Everyday comes with the opportunity to sow new seeds. Our actions and decisions are the seeds we sow into new day, and the harvest manifest in our lives. Don't waste your day, sow good seeds.
v Small minds play with seeds. Great minds work with seeds.
v People with wrong seeds always have wrong thoughts. Even if you have good intentions, they will misinterpret it to wrong impressions. Nurture good seeds.
v Devil is not looking for your fruit. He's looking for your seed. He doesn't have problem with your fruit. He has problem with your seed.
v Physical location doesn't limit your seeds. It is mental dislocation that limits your seeds.
v The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? His heart is evil and his thoughts everyday are full of evil. If you are close to his heart, you will hear the breath of wickedness. Your experiences in life may confirm this. But, let it not be a distraction. Don't be evil because people are evil. Don't be cynical because people disappointed you. All those things are not factor in your life. No negative contribution from outside can affect your life if you don't allow. God has given us a heart to love. God has given us a life to cheer. Love overrules darkness. Love subdues wickedness. Let love fill your heart. Let love full your life. That is the easiest way to enjoy your best life on earth.
v Oh what a blessing to stand in prayers and communicate with my heavenly father, who is the creator of heaven and earth. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and putting to subjection every thought that is not of God and making them come under the obedience of Christ. In prayers, I plant the Word of God as a seed to meet my need. In prayers, I access my spiritual storehouse and bring out whatever items I want. In prayers, I know the mind of my father and have access to divine mysteries. In prayers, I make the Word become flesh. In prayers, my spirit is lighted up and full revelation and understanding of the Word of God is attained. In prayers, every burden is lifted and depression disappeared. In prayers, my body is vitalized and every disease disappeared. Prayer is not a religious way of living, It is a revelational way of winning. Prayer has not lost its value, it still work like fire.
v We can't talk about seed without talking about soil. Soil brings out whatever is inside a seed. Seed cannot manifest without the soil. The success of every seed is inside the soil.
v 'Love of money' is a wrong seed. It makes you chase wrong things. Money is essential but not indispensable. Rather than running after money, become someone of value.
v When you are hungry, you are tempted to eat your seed. But please, don't! When you are angry, you are tempted to throw away your seed. But please, don't! Those that sow in tears, will reap in joy, and come back with their sheaves(testimonies).
v Seed produces seed. Life produces life. Value produces value. Nothing produces nothing. Don't expect something when you've invested nothing.
v And Isaac sowed in the land and he reaped hundred folds, because the Lord blessed him. You too can sow in this land, and reap many folds because the Lord has blessed you.
v There has never been any shortcut to success in life, and there will never be. I'm not talking about manifestation, neither am I talking about just having result. I'm talking about real success, lasting success. The secret is work. If it is tangible, then it becomes hardwork. Hardwork doesn't mean difficult or stressful work, it simply means evident or manifested work. You don't just work with your mouth, you work with your hand. Your hand represents tool for work. Work is not a curse on humanity. It is a call from divinity. With work, you crystallize your ideas. With work, your vision becomes a reality. With work, you grow into maturity. With work, your word becomes flesh. With work, your problems become blessings. With work, your life becomes envy. With work, situations are turned around. With work, you have hope for the future. With work, the kingdom of God is established on earth. With work, heaven is brought down on earth. With work, the mouths of the enemies are shut. With work, we conquer our lands and take hold of our possessions. With work we fulfil our dreams here on earth. With work, we live our best life on earth. And with work, our faith becomes our fame
v Technology will not upgrade the Word of God. Civilization will not modernize the Word of God; still the same, never changed. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever more. Our knowledge about the Word of God can improve but not the Word Himself. We may find new light, get new revelation and all of that, but the light has never changed but our perspective and understanding about it may change. To see the light brighter and better, we need to keep beholding him like in a mirror with an unveiled face. And as we keep beholding him like in a mirror with an unveiled face, we are being transmogrified into the image of Christ from glory to glory. And this is done by the Spirit, who is the Lord.
v Because of seeds, we can continue to eat. Because of seeds, we can continue to live. Because of seeds, we can continue to multiply. And because of seeds, we can continue to dominate. Hummm, we can only 'continue', because of seeds. Thank God for the Wisdom of seed.
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