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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Light Episodes; Light Giver

v The arrival of light terminates the agenda of darkness. Light and darkness will never go together. The presence of light is an antidote to the activities of darkness.

v There are lights made for indoors. There are ones made for outdoors. Though they differ in size and intensity, they serve essentially the same function. Indoor light will be underestimated outside. Outdoor light will be overestimated inside. Location is important for manifestation. Don't go where you will be relegated, stay where you will be celebrated.

v Nothing can be seen in the absence of light -physical or spiritual. But, everything can be seen in the presence of light. Light gives vision and direction.

v Photosynthesis -a process by which plants use light to make food is of great essence on earth. Small animals make their living from plants. Big animals make their living from small animals. Humans enjoy their living by feeding on plants and animals. Energy for living essentially comes from light. There's no living without lighting.

v Is there a problem? Is there anything missing or lost? Don't be bothered. It's because there is darkness. Put on the light. The solution will arrive and the missing object will be found.

v Light always attract attention, even from a far distance. Light doesn't shout, it shines. It doesn't make noise, it makes news.

v There's no point wasting time fighting darkness. Put on the light, darkness will disappear. The dominion of light over darkness has not become a story yet but a glory still.

v Even the blind can recognize the presence of light, let alone the one that can see. Vision is inevitable in the presence of light. Illusion is inevitable in the presence of darkness. Let's not talk problems where there's light. Let's talk solutions.

v Light is an energy that can be converted to other forms of energy, depending on the need. Sunlight is energy loaded which can be converted to electrical, mechanical, chemical, magnetic or heat energy etc. In like manner, Your life is a light that can be converted to a particular form to solve human problem. Use your light, less you lose it.

v You may be enjoying candle light until you see battery lamp. You may be enjoying light from battery lamp until you see an incandescent electric bulb. You may be celebrating that until you see fluorescent bulb. You may be enjoying fluorescent bulb until you see big halogen bulbs where everything becomes crystal clear like a mirror. You may be celebrating that until you see light from the sun that supplies all the nations of the world. Why celebrating small light, when you can go for bigger one? Why dwelling on small success, when bigger success is waiting for you? Step up your game.

v The first electric light was made in 1800 by Humphry Davy, an English scientist. He used a piece of carbon to produce light. This light couldn't last long(not up to 40hours) because the carbon paper filament burned up quickly. Several other scientists tried, until Thomas Alva Edison, an American inventor came. He experimented with thousands of different filaments to find just the right materials to glow well and last long. He eventually produced a bulb that could glow for over 1500hours. Now, for many people, it was Edison that invented electric light because of his tenacity. Though he was not the first to produce electric light but he was the first to produce a long-lasting light. People will only appreciate you for what you did well not what you did first.

v Love is light. It makes us see good in people. Hatred is darkness. It blinds the eye from seeing greatness in people. Light celebrates. Darkness relegates.

v I had never seen light complaining because of darkness but rather rejoice, because it allows it to shine. Light doesn't shine among lights. Light shines in darkness. Light is useless, unless there's darkness.

v The Word of God is a light. It gives you the ability to see and recognize, ability to identify and discern. It gives you direction and discretion. Vision and projection. Focus and concentration. All these has to do with one thing -Light.

v There's no activity in the absence of light. Everything becomes crippled and useless where there's no light. Darkness makes people lazy and idle, jobless and useless. Light makes life good, makes people work, and responsible. Resources are enjoyed in the presence of light. Poverty and lack are endured in the presence of darkness.

v Have you ever answered a question before? Have you ever solved a problem before? Have you ever shown somebody the way before? If yes, You are a light. That's your identity. Take note of your words, because they are light, solving people's problems. Mind your actions, because they are giving somebody direction. Go more. Grow more. Glow more. #3Gs

v Don't be annoyed if somebody says you are local. Thank them for recognizing you. Your impact has started. For you can't make global impact without local impact. The sun starts locally from the east and ends globally on the west, covering the whole world. It doesn't matter where you start. What matters is where you end. I celebrate your rising from crisis.

v In medicine, we need light. In science and technology, we need light. In our political systems, we need light. In the business world, we need light. In music and arts industries, we need light. In fashion and entertainment world, we need light. In all our social networks and organizations, we need light. In the entire world, we need you. You are important to us. You are important to your world. Identify where you are needed. Shine your light.

v Only darkness makes light shine. We know light when there's darkness. There won't be need for light if there's no darkness. There won't be need for you if there are no problems. #5MinsMeditation

v The issue of how light causes us to see cannot be overemphasized. When you look at any object, including this text you are reading now, What makes you see the object is not the object itself, but the light rays coming from it. Any object that doesn't give out light rays will not be recognized, though might be present. Light makes things present. Darkness makes things absent. Again, light makes things to be recognized. Darkness makes things to be commonized. Your presence anywhere makes things to be recognized everywhere. #5MinsMeditation

v The account of creation gave us a picture of God that has a problem. He couldn't do anything until He spoke light into His situation. Thereafter, He created beautiful things that we are celebrating and enjoying up till today. Let every darkness hindering your creativity receive light right now in Jesus Name.

v Let's consider different ways of generating light. Light can be generated through heat(thermoluminescence), ionizing radiation(radioluminescence), sound(sonoluminescence), pressure(piezoluminescence), mechanical force(mechanoluminescence), electric current(electroluminescent), crystallization(crystalloluminescence), chemical reactions(chemiluminescence), and biological process(bioluminescence). The greatest light is yet to come. We will know what generates it and where it's generated.

v There's a speed at which light moves. It was initially difficult for scientists to calculate but they eventually got it. There's a pace at which your life is moving now that you may not know about. It doesn't matter if it has not manifested, but it has kick-started. You are making progress. You are moving forward.

v One of the amazing properties of light is its wave-particle duality. It can express 100% wave nature. It can express 100% particle nature. But both can't be expressed simultaneously. Certain factors determine which nature is expressed. Likewise, human beings have the choice of living either in success or failure, in wealth or poverty, in love or hatred, in peace or warfare, in blessings or curse, etcetera. The choice is yours. Make your life a blessing and not a curse.

v To be successful in life, we need to be enlightened. Men should be enlightened about women. Women should be enlightened about men. That makes life easier. The origin of major problems in our world today came from families. There is ignorance of not understanding each other's identity and differences. Let's chase darkness out, for knowledge is light.

v Imagine you woke up this morning, there's no light. You just got to know that the sun has gone on leave. That would be the least expected. Activities for that day would be paralyzed, because the sun has decided not to shine. Likewise, some people's lives have been paralyzed because of you. They are waiting for your light to shine before they rise from that trouble. Solve that problem. Help that person. Encourage someone. That would go a long way. That would be a light in their darkness. Shine and keep shinning!!!

v It will take a man who is blind to beat his wife. Am not sure he can see. He's in darkness. He needs light. For every time a man beats down his wife he beats down his life. Not a curse but a call for repentance. New generation of enlightened men is rising.

v Where there's light, nobody will tell anybody what to do. Everybody knows what to do. There's understanding and revelation. Spirit of wisdom is at work. There is liberty. There's joy, love, peace and hope. Nobody is under slavery or fear, because the Spirit of God is present.

v There's no alternative to light. It's either present or not. There's no doubt or uncertainty with light. It's either you've found it or you're yet to find it. #LightQuest

v There's a light that illuminates. It searches anything and everything. It reaches all realms, from physical to spiritual. The parameters of this light cannot be measured. It breaks human calculations. The function of this light goes beyond illumination. It eliminates every activity of darkness. This light is the greatest of all lights. This light is the Word that comes from the mouth of God.

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