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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Love Episodes; Love Model

v What could make you think God needs you or needs what you have? I tell you, only His love has made you the best of Him on earth. Appreciate and celebrate his love.

v If the greatest commandment is about love, then the greatest assignment must be about love. There's nothing I'm doing, if not about love, it's nothing.

v Love has a lot of synonyms. When you mention love, at least 3 strange words will answer on love's behalf. Love has been misnamed and misrepresented. But, what is love? Love is never an emotion, neither is it an expression. Love is a personality that has a special identity. It is a nature that gives you a culture.

v Here is an environment where everybody is thinking of what to get than what to give. We are too concerned about who will give us something, than who we will give something. We have forgotten what we have inside that can be a benefit to other people. We've been so overwhelmed by the parasitic nature of the society. Let talk about love. Love is never tired of giving. Love doesn't expect anything in return. Love cares about adding value than getting it. Even if it involves gains, that is not his focus, but his product.

v It's easy to reciprocate love. But takes effort to initiate it. Many people love you because they need you. Only few people need you because they love you.

v Love doesn't make noise, but make news. Love impacts. Love accommodates. Love sees your faults, but doesn't count it against you. Love sees your mistakes, but believes you can get better. Love sees where you are, but celebrates who you are. When everybody is using where you are to condemn you, love is using who you are to comfort you. Love does not condemn or castigate, but corrects and encourages with kindness. Love instills happiness and distills cloudiness. Oh, what a love! Oh, what a life! #LoveLife

v There's something that bonds humanity with divinity. There's something that makes man sleeps at night and wakes up the following morning. Again, there's something that makes man chief managing director of things he never knew how they were created. And now, he feels he's the boss of all. Love makes man lord on earth, and god on flesh.

v A lover is better than a giver. A lover is always a giver, but a giver might not be a lover. A lover gives from his heart. A giver gives from his hand. Giving can be faked. Loving cannot be faked.

v Just yesterday night on my way home, I saw hundreds of locked padlocks on both sides of an aisle. That communicated to me a bond or seal of love between lovers. They wanted nothing to separate their love. That is love between humans. How much more the love of God. And what can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus?

v One of the key features of love is forgiveness. Resentments and embitterments are no where to be found. Only loving heart can produce forgiveness. Other hearts will deny it.

v What level is your love? Desire to grow more. Love always starts as a seed and ends as a tree that birds of the air are attracted to. Meet new people. Express good gesture. Love attracts people. Hatred retracts them. Put action to your love and not only in words.

v Some people have been severely disappointed by other people. They've become cynical and skeptical about life. They've been hurt and wounded. They wondered if there's anything in life called love, or it's just hell in disguise. These ones have been robbed of genuine love. But genuine love still exist. One encounter with love will change your life forever. Love doesn't fail. Love doesn't disappoint. Love restores dignity and identity. Love secures and maintains trust. If every other thing in life fails, you can count on love, even to the very last minute of death, for love is life.

v Human nature always crave for love. Nobody has ever rejected love. Why looking for who will love you, when you can get someone to love genuinely. Someone is waiting for your love. You can sow the seed of love into somebody's life and you will sure reap back in multiple folds.

v God was grieved in his spirit that he created man on earth. He was so sad. Nothing could solve God's problem, until love intervened. Love solved God's problem. God used love to restore man to himself. Now, God is no longer angry with any man, except those who are angry with themselves. Stop getting angry over that matter, let love intervene and you will prevail.

v Doing what you love is by decision. Loving what you do is by compulsion. Until you put love in what you do, there won't be tangible results yet.

v Have you noticed the tyre or wheel of any moving vehicle or train? It's always round. No other shape can fit in, not even oval or ellipsoid. No other factor can fit in the place of love. Love drives life. Love makes us enjoy life. Some people have terminated their lives because they felt nobody loved them. You are living because love is winning. Love is indispensable.

v A love note to my wife. "Dear sweetie, I wouldn't know how to express myself to you. I could bring out my heart and put it in your hands, so you can feel the beats. I could take a minute run to the moon back. I could fly the whole world in seconds because of you. I thank God I found you. You mean whole lots to me. Love you darling. You are my best." Write a special love note to a lover today. That will go a long way. #ParentsChildren#HusbandWife #MentorMentee #TeacherStudent #SeniorJunior#MasterServant #BosomFriends #Colleagues #Families, #Relatives

v Don't claim to love if there's nothing to hate. Don't say you can give, if there's nothing to lose. Everybody loves their friends. Only few love their enemies. Everybody can give to those who have given to them or benefit them. There's no need for love if there's no hatred. Hatred makes love manifest. God manifested His love to us that while we're yet sinners, Christ died for us. God did the greatest thing when we had the biggest sin. Oh, what a manner of love.

v Hypothetically, I perceived somebody saying, "What is this whole love all about? I don't think I have any love or even know how to express it. I'm just myself." Wow! this is for you. Please understand that love is a nature that is expressed. It's from the heart and not the acts. You can't pretend it. Love grows as a seed. To make your love work, you need knowledge. There is a right way to manifest love even in the midst of lusts.

v Before, I had always look for reasons not to love people. I had always found excuses for wrong behavior towards other people. Little did I know then that I was only hurting myself. Loving people is loving yourself. Hating people is hating yourself. Let good thoughts well up from your heart towards people. You will begin to experience a higher dimension of blessings and favour you never imagined. I've confirmed it.

v When man was created, every part of his being was involved in love affairs, including his body chemistry. Oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, anti-diuretic hormone, and norepinephrine are chemicals involved in this love affairs. Don't only have loving spirit, express good loving gestures. Let your disposition express your composition.

v I realized that oftentimes, things that we correct people for we also fall short. Love will make you overlook many things, not because you want to indulge wrong doings but because you want to instill right dealings. Love is a model that leads by example.

v Have you ever wondered why love is always represented by the shape of the heart? It seems heart expresses the nature of love. It's such an important organ that can live on its own, yet doesn't stay on its own. Its beat could be felt everywhere, even on the feet, but does not brag of its feat. Every part of the body receives oxygen and nutrients when it functions. I could see selflessness, service and humility. That's the nature of love. No wonder it's well protected, even by other organs of the body.

v Love is conditional when you are looking for who will love you. Love is unconditional when you are looking for who you will love. Again, love is conditional when you are looking for something good to admire about somebody. Love is unconditional when you are admiring somebody to bring out something good. Conditional love makes you a toaster. Unconditional love makes you a lover.

v I had an interview with love yesterday. He said only few people know him. Out of that few, only few have him. Out of that few, only few express him. His conclusion was, many want his acts, but only few want his heart. Again he said, many do the acts, but only few have his heart. Let love change your life. #Lovetransforms

v To many people, 'I love you' has many meanings. 'I hate you' has just one meaning. 'God loves you' sounds unbelieving. 'Devil hates you' sounds realistic. Which is better? The condition of your heart determines the expression of your acts. Your interpretation determines the manifestation. Don't resist love, accept and believe it.

v 'Father, let my enemy die'. No, he won't die. The easiest way to deal with your enemy is not to pray for his death but to keep loving him. He might change his mind to become your friend. That increases your influence. Love wins.

v I almost gave up with this 'love thing', when I'll love now, and few seconds later feel so disgusted. It rather looks epileptic. Little did I know then that love is not a feeling, but a knowing. Don't doubt the seed of love in you. When feeling will fail you, let love fill you. #LoveNeverFails

v God could have created animals in his image. He could have looked for a creature after his likeness. But he chose you out of his abundant love to be his mirror image on earth. You are object of God's love. Don't mind those that say you are ugly. They don't know who you represent. You are God's image on earth. Therefore show God's love to the world.

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