Friday, November 3, 2017

Know Your Responsibility

The Word became flesh and dwell among us. God became man, to make men become gods. How true? Very true. That was an irreversible change. Flesh didn't return back to Word. What was God's intention? To make man dominate the earth as He dominates heaven. So, should man be begging God to help him rule the earth that He has already given him right to dominate? No, that's not necessary. Now, this is not because man is independent of God, but because God has made man to be like Him. Therefore, if man truly understands his identity, then he shouldn't have problem dominating the earth, knowing fully well that he has now become god to rule over the earth, and not to be begging God to do it on his behalf. Let's not be asking God to do what He has already given us power to do. Know your responsibility and take it. #Blessings

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