v If your project has vision, you don't have problem with provision. Don't run after provision, Get vision.
v Vision will always make provision for the future. God is a Master Visioneer, He created one man, yet made provision for all men. No matter the population on earth, there can't be scarcity of resources. There could only be paucity of ideas to use the resources, not scarcity of resources to use the ideas. God's vision will always take care of God's provision.
v The future is unsecured without vision. The vision is unprocured without future.
v Sometimes when you run out of provision and everything around you looks frustrating, vision will keep you exhilarating.

v Vision will make you see what others don't see, know what others don't know and do what others don't do.
v In medicine, we use vision for diagnosis and treatment. We do a lot of scopy like endoscopy, microscopy, fundoscopy, fetoscopy and so on. We identify and solve problems by vision. Whereas, we're mystified and dodge problems when there's no vision.
v Your confession will make your vision become your possession. If you've seen it, then confess it, and you will surely possess it.
v Everybody can be running with passion. Only those that run with vision will get to the end. It's just a matter of time, others will fizzle out
v Hi ladies, don't marry a man because he has provisions. Marry him because his vision has made provision for you, from where you are to where you are going.
v You may know how to build a house, but don't know how to build a home. You may know how to marry a wife, but don't know how to live with a woman. You may know how to be a student, but don't know how to be studious. You may know how to give drugs, but don't know how to give health. You may know how to give birth, but don't know how to give life. You may know how to look at things, but don't know how to see through things. Many people can look. Only few can see. Knowing is a normal process that flows with growing. Don't struggle to know. Desire to grow.
v An armed robber became a preacher of gospel. A chronic whoremonger became a woman of God. That's what Grace could do. God sees us the way we could be while we are still the way we might be. God expressed his love towards us, that while we're yet sinners, Christ died for us. Only vision could make God see value in us even when we think we're nothing. A stone that has been rejected and dejected by the builders, has now become a cornerstone. Indeed, this is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our sight. The Lord brought me from the dunghill of life and placed me on high to be seated with kings. Somebody, God is bringing the best out of your life for the enemies to know that they've not seen the best yet until they see you because your life will give the definition of what it means to be the best. Congratulations!
v Remove vision from leadership, the remaining is rulership. Leading without vision is directing without direction. Errors become inevitable without vision.
v What will make you relevant in future is vision. Because you have seen ahead, so you will prepare ahead. Ambition can make you become what you want. Only vision will make you become who you are.
v Only vision could make you see your own airport when you don't have money to buy a bicycle. Only vision could make you make provision for a city when you are still living under a canopy. Only vision could make you recognize your wife when she does not even look like what you want, but looks like what you need. Only vision could make you do the practically impossible.
v Vision is the reality of what will happen, the foreknowledge of what has not happened. It entails seeing ahead, knowing ahead and planning ahead. It comes in different ways; pictures, ideas, thoughts, imaginations, words, dreams, and more importantly, impression in your spirit. Visions are not illusive or delusive. When you've got it, you will surely know it.
v Everybody can see the visibles. Only few can see the invisibles. Everybody can know what is happening now. Only few will know what will happen then. Everybody can pursue ambition. Only few will run after vision.
v With vision, there's a kind of boldness you have to confront the future. You are not afraid of what tomorrow holds. You've already seen the future, beautiful and bright. One of the greatest enemies of human mind is fear. You always think of how am I gonna do this, how am I gonna do that, and you become so worried and disturbed. Next time you have that thought, can you tell him how matters you were not sure about in the past got settled and became so easy that it even blew your mind, even up till recently. Don't be in a hurry to forget the good things that have happened in your life, when bad things are beckoning on you. You will surely need to tell about those good things to provoke more of them. When fear of 'what will happen' beclouds your mind, remove that fear by the confidence of 'what has happened'. Don't entertain evil thoughts of fear. They can cripple your mind. Know that your future is settled, and let it be settled in your mind. Do what you have to do and leave the rest to God. He will perfect it, and make you a success.
v God's vision for you is clear. "I know the vision I have for you. They are good and not of evil, to give you a bright future." Yes, that is God. He's not man, that will lie or son of man that will change his mind. God is always willing to let you know the future he has prepared for you. Stop talking about devil as if he counts. He's no where to be found. I don't want to know what devil is doing. In fact, I don't want to know what man is doing. I only want to know what God is doing, which surpasses whatever anybody is doing. If you know what God is doing, then talk about it, not what devil is doing. For whatever you talk about multiplies. Therefore, multiply God's work, not devil's work.
v Vision keeps your eyes away from distractions, and sets your gaze on one impression. You may want many things, but you only need one thing. You may want many jobs, but you only need one work. You may have many appointments, but you only have one assignment.
v Every vision is for an appointed time. Though it may look long, it will surely come to pass. The vision of writing my final year exam in medical school has come to pass today. The appointed time has become the actualized time. Thank God for the journey so far. It's been adventurous. Outstanding success for as many of us that are writing Krok-2 Exam today all over Ukraine. Congrats in advance. Blessings.
v Visions are substance of inestimable value. There are small visions. There are big visions. There are local visions. There are global visions. As far as your eyes can see will determine as big as your vision can be.
v There are men with vision, and there are men with passion, and there are also men with action. The 3 goes together. Vision fuels passion, and passion drives action. That makes vision becomes a reality.
v Only vision will make you know what to do with provision. Provision will be a waste without vision.
v How do I eliminate fear of the future? There are so many things I'm not sure about, How do I secure good future for myself in the midst of uncertainties and skepticisms? The answer is simple! Vision. Vision gives you the assurance and insurance of your future. You may doubt what you hear, you hardly doubt what you see. It's best if your vision is from God. You sure know it's gonna be good and drop-dead realistic. God has more than enough to cater for your vision. As many as we are in the world today, have you noticed that we've not exhausted all the oxygen in the air yet? We've not finished the waters in the seas yet, what about the plants and animals we eat everyday? they keep multiplying even if we stop farming. Farming is to decide what we want. God already provided what we need. I charge you today to challenge that fear about your future that, nothing can make your future less than good, because it's already more than good.
v Don't be complacent with where you are right now. You've not reached your destination yet. You've not accomplished much yet. Come up higher. There's still a lot to do. More lands to acquire, more impacts to make. Don't let your past success hinder your future blessings, Come up higher. You did good last time, yes! you can do better this time, come up higher. You did better last time, yes! you can be the best this time, come up higher. Don't go to sleep. Don't lose your gird. Move forward. Soar higher. Go deeper. Don't settle for less, but go for the best. Don't say God has blessed you enough, when you've not manifested him enough. You shouldn't be satisfied with small things, when big things are waiting for you. That doesn't mean you shouldn't appreciate where you are, but focus on where you are going and don't be carried away by where you are. If you know how big the vision is, you will know that you're just starting or have not even started at all. There's so much in God to accomplish than to settle for mediocrity. Get up, look up and fire up, for the work ahead is waiting to usher you into a new level of glory and blessings
v Lack of vision could make one follow every course, run every race, and do everything. Frustration is not far from people who lack vision. Don't be jack of all trade, less you become master of no trade.
v Carrying money without vision is useless. You can be a billionaire today, if you are not a visioneer, your money will be useless tomorrow. You can procure money with vision. But, you can't procure vision with money
v Vision makes you know the kind of man or woman you should marry, the kind of place you should live, the kind of children you should have, the kind of people you should associate with, the kind of things you should have, and the kind of work you should do. Vision showcases your life master plan.
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