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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Money Episodes; Money Maker

v Money is a material that is legally tendable for exchange of value; tangible or intangible. It's a financial theft to receive money without giving out value and it's a transaction loss to give out money without receiving any value in return. Know what you are exchanging with money.

v Money, in its right use, adds pleasure to your body, adds rest to your soul, and liveliness to your spirit. Money makes heaven real on earth. Poverty does opposites.

v Money can buy gifts of men, it cannot buy gifts of God. Whatever God calls gift, he doesn't sell to man.

v Let's not mix need for money with love for money. The former gives you the right attitude, the latter gives you the wrong attribute about money.

v It's an insult of 2nd degree order for man-made object(money) to be a bone of contention among God-made subjects. God's subjects are meant to dominate man's objects.

v Being rich is not to know how to get money, it is to know how to make money, even when there's no money, you can create it.

v You won't know how to make money if you don't understand the principles of money. Principles have no respect for persons, except those who diligently observe them.

v #Exchangeprinciple Money is a medium of exchange. It only comes to you when you have something valuable to exchange for it. It could be tangible or intangible; skills, talents, abilities, position, accomplishment, materials, goods or services etc. Every time you receive money, know value has gone out of you, whether you know it or not.

v #SavingsPrinciple. Save your money with God(pay your tithe), save your money with man(bank savings or other means of savings). The former puts supernatural increase on your money, the latter puts calculative increase on your money. Both are needed.

v #IncreasePrinciple Increasing your value increases your money. Money always leave the hand of people of low value to the hand of people of high value. The rich quest for more value, the poor ask for more money. Add more value to your life!

v #DisciplinePrinciple Don't spend money the way you want, use it the way you need it. When want is satisfied, transient pleasure is derived, when need is met, absolute contentment is guaranteed. Needs come out of essentiality, wants come out of frivolities.

v #LeveragePrinciple There are resources around you that can crystallize your multimillion ideas into money. You can leverage on people's abilities, ideas, resources like money, time, skills, talents and positions/status. Resources are everywhere depending on how well you can see. Leverage on them and turn them into money.

v #InvestmentPrinciple Money does not stay with those that spend it, it stays with those that invest it. No matter how much you have, right investment will multiply your money seed. Money invested is money harvested in many folds. Parable of talents.

v #AnointingPrinciple When the Spirit of God is at work, creative money is at dawn. Anointing creates and pulls money from anywhere and everywhere when the anointed is in need of it. If you doubt it, ask the fish that delivered money to Peter.

v #KnowledgePrinciple What do you know about money? What do you want to know about money? Those two questions will answer how much you have and how much you want to have. Sound knowledge about money aborts stress about money.

v #BitsbyBitsPrinciple Riches are not acquired overnight, they are built with time. Don't become a day millionaire, become a life millionaire. The days of small beginnings.

v #PacketPrinciple Money is like a packet that can carry conveniently matters that trouble the mind and the body. Sickness, weakness, frustration and worries may not be necessary if money is present. Let's settle money matters first and other matters will automatically settle themselves.

v #MindsetPrinciple What do you think about money... Is it good or evil, dispensable or indispensable? 'Cos the way you think about it will always determine the way you will live with/without it. Money is simply a material needed on earth that shouldn't be idolized.

v #StatisticsonMoneyMatters Eighty percents of divorced marriages are due to money matters. About 90% of all crimes are committed because of money. Eight hundred and five million people in the world are hungry because of poverty. More than 20,000 children die per day; Poor nutrition(due to poverty) contributes at least half of these deaths. One of the leading causes of depression and committing of suicide is severe debts and other money-related matters. These are problems that wisdom with money can solve. The world needs rich men and women of wisdom who will solve problems with money victimizing humanity. Am talking about you, take your wealthy place.

v #ConfessionandAssertionPrinciple Have you ever said assertively that 'you are wealthy' in the midst of scarcity? Have you ever opened your mouth to say 'you are rich' despite no money in your account? Your confession is your possession. Be confident that you are rich and that will become your reality, through ideas that will begin to flow through your mind.

v #AbundancePrinciple When you hear about world billionaires and trillionaires, don't think part of your money is with them, No! There is more than enough wealth in the world for as many that want to become rich to any extent. If air has not ceased to circulate, then money has not ceased to flow. Your money is in nobody's hand. It's from your mind that you get it into your hand. Have abundance mindset.

v Any money you have that is not intended to follow God's course or use it to bless people has become a mammon. You can serve God with your money, but you cannot serve God and money. They will never go together.

v Money is not the paper or coin you hold in your hand. It is somebody's authority that has become a legal tender within an area. Grivens cannot be spent outside Ukraine because it will become illegal tender. Only men of authority have authority over money. Those under authority are subjected to money control. Know your authority.

v If God says he will bless you, don't expect money, expect ideas. Ideas are divine creativities for making lasting wealth.

v Many things money can buy, including the intangibles. Money can buy you favour. You can settle resentments and contention through money. You can use money to buy smiles and laughter on people's faces. In fact, you can win someone's heart through money. Money is a temporary earthly commodity that can buy you everlasting heavenly treasures.

v Money does not multiply because you withhold it, it multiplies because you disown it. Multiplication does not happen in your hand, it happens in your mind.

v Let them not know I have money, you have small money. Let them know I have money, you have nothing. It is not in what they know, it is in what you know that makes you to be known. The rich don't strife, they thrive!#KnowingMindset

v The rich, I mean the wise ones, their words are money, their actions are money, their living produces money. They've created a force field around them that pulls money. They are landmarkers, they are groundbreakers, they are risk-takers, they are trailblazers and they are pathfinders. They know how to channel their ideas, they don't waste relationships, they don't miss opportunities, they value resources, they value ideas. Their wealth is not in the money they have, it is in the understanding they have. The rich make life rich. #UnderstandingMindset

v Money is key to health. You can't be wealthy except you are healthy. Money makes you enjoy life, poverty makes you endure life.

v What makes money available is not people or things around you, it is what within you. Don't look outside when you have not checked inside.#InwardMindset

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