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Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Women Episodes; Precious Women

The first time God said "It is not good" was when he has not made a woman. The moment He made a woman, everything becomes good. Women are people of good and perfect being. If a woman is not there, it is not good.

The ventromedial prefrontal cortex and areas in the limbic system are so active in women. These areas control intuition. No wonder women have high intuition. They have high sense of inner knowing, even before they know it.

Anytime a woman is going out, she dresses up beyond her body. She dresses her mind (thinks about it), she dresses her emotions (feels about it), and finally dresses her will (acts about it) before she's ready to go. If she's not prepared to go, she's not ready to go. Women are not casual. They are actual.

It's an insult to God to say a woman is ugly, Because God's creation of humanity was completed and perfected on women. Every woman is beautiful. Beauty does not make us differentiate women. It makes us appreciate them.

It shouldn't be a woman's headache to be looking for who will marry her. That is the man's job. Let her keep adding value. Thousand men will locate her. Why? Because men run after value, not after title.

Women don't communicate what men don't understand. Men don't understand what women don't communicate. Alright, let's reach a balance. Women, please communicate, so men can understand. Men, please understand, so women can communicate. 

We are over 7.6 billion people living in the world today. None of us jumped down from heaven, but came through a woman. Women are God's special vessels of bringing humanity into reality. If there's no woman, there is no human.
Every part of a woman is private. That was why she was not made in the presence of a man. But was later brought to him to appreciate. Dear lady, if you want your man to value what you have, don't make it public. Your body is not for public consumption. It is for private conditions.

If we told you not to have boyfriend, it's not because we hate boys, it's because we hate what usually happens with boys. A lot of young women have got themselves into troubles because of this. STDs, unplanned pregnancy, abortion, miscarriages, infertility, emotional disbalance, school dropout, marital conflicts, depression, bad memories, and so on are the bad packages that go along with such bad companies. Dear lady, Beware!

To tell a woman "something is wrong with her body", is to tell her "something is wrong with her life". A woman doesn't just hear words, she feels words and relates with words. Wrong words can damage her system. Right words can build up her system. Don't say wrong words to women, no matter what!

Every system in a woman is actively working. Her vision is sharp, she can see the smallest things. Her olfactory is good, she can smell the farthest dangers. Her auditory is powerful, she can hear the lowest decibels. Her gustatory is highly selective, she can taste the slightest affection. Her integumentary is sensitive, she can feel the tiniest touch. Oh, what a wonder a woman is! She's a superbeing.

Hi ladies, keep yourself together. Freshen up. Tidy up. Look elegant. Dress beautiful. Do your work. Watch your weight. Avoid fat and junk foods. Do regular breast examination. Do regular exercise. Take a long stroll. Relate well with people. Be your best person. Live a good life.

Today is special. I celebrate all the women in my life. Starting from my babygirls, to my ladies, to my sisters, to my aunties, and to my great mothers, You've been extremely wonderful. I thank God for making our paths meet in life. I sure bet it with you that your greatness will never be contained. Thanks so much for being a blessing. Y'all are forever celebrated. Much love.

A woman is a wombed man. She has a womb for incubating. She's either incubating an idea in her mind or incubating a baby in her womb. Eitherways, the result should be a blessing to the world. Women are treasures of inestimable value.
Everything about a woman is beautiful. Her voice is beautiful. Her walk is beautiful. Her talk is beautiful. Her look is beautiful. Her mind is beautiful. And of course, her life is beautiful. If you are a woman, conform to the woman you are. You are beautiful.
Can a woman become President? Yes! Can a woman preach? Yes! God didn't put competition between men and women. He puts completion between them. What a man can do, a woman can do, not with a competitive spirit but with an institutive spirit. God didn't create human competitions, He creates human institutions.

Women are highly emotionally intelligent. From a small growing girl to a matured adult woman, they understand emotions and the bits of it. Emotional intelligence helps women with their relational and communication skills.

A woman does not want affection, she needs it. The easiest way to kill a woman is not to shoot her, It is to make her feel unloved. A woman who is not loved will be lost. To every woman who has never experienced genuine love from any man, I present to you the unfailing love of God that fills the heart with joy. Please, accept it.

"I hope there's nothing wrong with me for these past 3days, I've not just been feeling myself" -A soliloquy from a lady about herself. Hey dear, there is nothing wrong with you. You only need not to wrong yourself. But, there's so much internal and external conflicts going on with women. Anyway, there's much more peace available. You can get it.

There has been a sudden rise of single mothers in the US recently. Top causes have been divorce and premarital pregnancies. Life becomes stressful for a woman when she's carrying it alone. We've got to do it together. Women, please help men. Stay with your spouse. Enjoy your marriage. Don't endure it.

Who has found a virtuous woman? For her price is more than rubies. A woman of character and value, full of wisdom and humility. She looks well to the ways of her household and eats not the bread of idleness. Her children call her blessed, and her husband praises her. Oh, what a great woman.
God loves women and protects them. One woman was dragged to Jesus by some accusing men because of adultery. They wanted to stone her, but asked Jesus what he thinks. Jesus asked them- "Anyone among you who has never committed sin should be the first to stone her" Surprisingly, they all left. What??? Bunch of hypocrites. So they've all committed sin before and went unpunished but want somebody else to be punished because of sin. Jesus knew their wickedness. He dissolved their wiles. Then, he asked the woman, "where are your accusers?" She said "they've all left." Then, Jesus said "I don't condemn you, go and sin no more." That is the gospel. The woman received good news from Jesus, and it liberated her from the power of sin and judgment and gave her eternal life. Oh, what a life of God. #Blessings

Only God knows wherever the ideology of women talk too much is coming from. People that don’t understand anything are the ones that will be using such insultive, abusive language. They rather keep shut their mouths than vomiting foolishness. What are the criteria for talking too much? Is there limit to how many words anyone can utter before somebody began to say it is too much? With the nature God created women with, ability to talk with good expression is a requirement. Imagine someone who wants to care but can’t talk. Imagine someone who is going to help but lacks expression, or someone who will mother children, nurture them, and train them up to adulthood but can’t open her mouth or lacks verbal expression, how do you want her to get all these job done, just to mention but a few. You realized that wherever that ideology of women talk too much is coming from is demonic and oppressive. And most commonly, the response by women at such expression is to restrain and began to close their mouths, keep things secretive to themselves and even sometimes lack confidence of speaking in the public because of the impression that they talk too much. A closed mouth is a closed destiny. Now, in as much as I’m not advocating for foolish talks and unnecessary jestings around, I’m not also in support of women being silenced. They should be allowed to express their good nature well enough without oppression or intimidation from any human being. Sometimes, some people say women are secretive, but they don’t know that’s a response to negative impression that was communicated to them about their nature, but now the order is changing, as women are becoming mighty agents of change through their words in our world today. Warm regards.

The subject of sex (sexual intercourse, coitus, or copulation) is what we hardly talk about, but we often think about; old and young, men and women, boys and girls. The problem starts the moment you reach puberty and become sexually matured. All kinds of feelings began to set in. It usually becomes heightened at late teens, the most dangerous period among the young people. It's very important we get it right, so, we don't do it wrong. Sex, on its own is a beautiful thing. No man created it, but God. Now, the only place where God puts sex is in marriage. Every other place is illegal. The benefits of sex are within marriage. But the problems of sex are without marriage. If you are not married, you are not allowed. The reasons are not far-fetched. Sex goes beyond the act. It's a commitment that has emotional attachment with a lot of involvements. As a single, you wouldn't want to have problem in your marriage. Now in marriage, sex is of utmost importance. A man does not want sex in marriage, he needs it. Wives, for you to enjoy your home and have a happy husband, you've got to step up your sexual life. He's not gonna be begging you all the time for it. He needs it. You are not gonna be giving him excuses all the time. You initiate it. Tell him what you want. Show him how you want it. Instead of frustrating him with excuses every now and then. Show interest in what he's interested in. This has nothing to do with his status. He needs it. Then, as a man, self control is of utmost importance. Don't rush into marriage because you are looking for sex, you may not have it all the time, but understand your wife and give her what she needs. She needs affection. Know how to set her on. Know how to play her keys. Let's have a happy home. Let's live a good life. And our families will be blessing to the world. Have a splendorous weekend. #Blessings.

Is it easy to be a woman or not? We've always heard, "It's not easy to be a man", but again, Is it also easy to be a woman? A woman can give you a tip of an iceberg. Life is not difficult, but life has demands. There are a lot of expectations on women. An average woman is not lazy. Environment may not allow her, but she's not lazy. A woman has got so much responsibility. She is the one that carries pregnancy for 9months. She's the one that undergoes the labour pains. What of the monthly pains? She's the one that endures it, and even count it as her norm. She's the one that helps her husband. She's the one that breastfeeds and caters for her children. She's the one that makes sure her make-up is on point to have a befitting look. She's the one that people expect to build her home. She's the one that people expect to train up her kids. She's the one. She's the one that is expected to put her house in order. She's the one that if dressings are not good on her children, the first to be blamed, she's the one. She's also the one if her husband is not regular at home or doesn't love to come back home, she's the one. She thinks every time, feels every time and works every time. All towards one goal- Caring. Women have got so much abilities and strength that men cannot phantom. Yes, you can say women are the backbone, because if they are not there, I'm not sure you will be there. Special thanks to all our precious women all around the world, who have been a source of huge blessing to us. May you live to enjoy the blessings of your labour. #MuchBlessings

Ruth was a woman of our like passion, who despite all odds took a giant step that put her name in the genealogy of Jesus. A strange woman who converted her frustration to ministration to generations. Oh, I love Ruth! She knew something that Orpah, her fellow sister-in-law didn't know. Naomi, their mother-in-law gave the two of them tangible reasons why they had to leave. That was enough for Orpah to leave. But, Ruth had higher reasons why she had to cleave and not to leave; right in the midst of adversity and hopelessness. Ruth, indeed was a great woman of faith and strong-mindedness. No wonder she was the only one among the Moabites (the enemies of God) whose name was written with golden pen in the genealogy of our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope there are still Ruths in our generation; Women, who will despite all difficulties and challenges, stand up higher and turn those problems to generational blessings. Much more testimonies await the Ruths of our generation. #MuchBlessings
Menstruation (menses, period) is a monthly vaginal discharge due to shedding of uterine lining. It’s usually 3 to 5days, but could be longer or shorter. The menstrual cycle happens in the space of 21 to 35days; average of 28days. First menstruation takes place anytime from age 10. Most times, women experience some symptoms and behavioural changes before and during menstruation. Good measures to ameliorate some of those difficulties could be exercise (releases endorphins; natural painkiller), warm bath, warm drinks and heating pad on the abdomen (relax the uterine muscles), reduced intake of salt and sugar, increased intake of fruits and vegetables (sources of good vitamins) and use of analgesics. In some part of the world, women are maltreated during this period. They claimed women are unclean, so they isolate them. I wondered the kind of shame and embarrassment such women would undergo every month because God made them women. But that is ignorance. I say that must stop! Menstruation for a woman, is an evidence of fertility and good functioning system. Except for pregnancy, women menstruate all through their reproductive years. Women endure a lot of things that men don’t understand. It’s important that men understand women’s system and don’t always criticize them because they don’t know what they are going through per time. Knowledge is required to live happily with one another. #Blessings

Women have got a special circuit in their system called Papez circuit. The circuit is associated with emotions and consolidation of memory. There are certain experiences in a day that replay in a woman’s mind like thousand times. It happens right in the papez circuit. If the experience is not pleasant, it’s like a poison in her system that needs to be got rid of before it damages her system. Just like someone who is so pressed with running stomach will not feel comfortable until she releases those disturbances out of her system, so is a woman who is seriously disturbed with negative stuffs in her mind would not feel comfortable until she’s relieved of those things. A woman gets relieved by expression. She needs to open up. She needs to release what is in her mind in words and expressions. She can get someone of good heart to share her pains with. Dear woman, please don’t hide your pains inside, they can eat you up. Release them and be filled with good life. Expression is not vulnerability. It’s a freedom from burdens that thrive in concealment but dissolve in appeasement. Enjoy a stress-free life.
Serpent came and deceived the woman. She was so shocked of what happened thereafter. She has just been deceived. She was not gullible, but pretty innocent and receptive. Adam, her husband was so angry when he realized she gave him wrong fruit. Every reason for her innocent mistake was not just plausible to him. He wouldn’t want to believe her anymore. It’s adamic nature for a man to disbelieve and not have trust with his wife. As a man, don’t always find faults with your wife. She might have little weakness, but that’s not wickedness. She needs your encouragement. Don’t let her feel she’s not important or her opinion doesn’t count. It hurts a woman deep in her spirit to know that you don’t appreciate or count her important in your life. She’s not just your wife, she’s your helpmeet. She’s not just the mother of your children, she’s your closest companion after HolySpirit. If she made mistake, don’t count it on her. Don’t remind her of her past errors and mistakes. If you do, you will be killing her inside. She’ll be crying day and night. But rather, support her, encourage her, motivate her, forgive her, compliment her, accommodate her, appreciate her, celebrate her, surprise her with gifts, admire her, nourish her, impress her, beautify her, and correct her in love. For God, he did a big surprise with Eve’s mistake. He turned things around. Devil thought he got it all laid out to have won humanity, but nothing did he know that he only paved a way for divinity to manifest in humanity, and God became man to make men become gods. How did He do it? Part 2. #Blessings
Devil has done a smart job. He deceived the woman, left her in pains and agony. Then God intervened; He told devil, “though you've deceived the woman and made humanity fell into sin, but I will tell you what you don't know, that same woman I will use to bring humanity back to divinity”. Devil went and restrategized. It became a tug of war between God and devil. Devil began to mess up every woman he suspected God could use. He knew God hated sin. He defiled all the suspected women God could use. Several generations passed, God was still looking. He was on a thorough search. Finally, God found a virgin, a young woman who has not defiled herself. Then, God packaged himself and came to earth through one of his Arch Angels. The Angel met the virgin and told her- "You have been favoured of the Lord, and Blessed among women". The Angel delivered the Word to her. The moment she received the Word, the Word became implanted in her womb and grew. After 9months, the Word became flesh and dwelled among us. Devil was confused. He was still looking for how God would come down and use somebody. Elizabeth was a suspect, so her womb was shut. But God intervened, and gave her child in her old age. That wasn’t God's direction. He only used that to open the floor and prepare the ground. Devil still didn't understand what was happening. Now the virgin, Mary, after 9months, gave birth to a child and called his name Jesus. What??? Devil was shocked. But this was a lady that was not yet married. How come? He was extremely confused. Divine intervention has given devil unexpected hypertension. God knew what he was doing, right from the beginning. Mary gave birth to Jesus. Humanity was restored back to God. Mary was highly instrumental. God wouldn’t have achieved that without woman. No wonder woman was a perfection of His good work. Now, women are blessed. Women are favoured. Women are happy. Devil is put to perpetual shame. Glory to God. But, has everything finally ended??? Part 3.

Mary was instrumental to the first miracle that Jesus did on earth. She told the people to do whatever he asked them to do. Lo and behold, the first miracle happened at a wedding ceremony. Another time Jesus was seated by the well and met a woman who came to fetch. She had an encounter with Jesus and ran back to the city with the Gospel of joy. People came out to welcome Jesus and received him. There was another woman with an Alabaster box who came to worship and beautify Jesus with her expensive ointment. What about Mary Magdalene? a woman who had 7 demons but got delivered by Jesus and became his disciple. She was one of the first people who saw Jesus after resurrection. So much to talk about how women were of great blessing to Jesus' ministry. And I believe greater than those women are here. Women whose lives are expression of Grace, whose minds are filled with heaven, bringing divinity into reality. Thank God for such Great Women in our world today. Greater happenings are yet to come.

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