v Change is a commonly used word, yet rarely understood word. Commonly encountered word, but scarcely experienced word. Everything on earth, including the earth itself experiences change. Change forbids anything to remain the same.
v We had always think change happens only when we make it. But change is an unstoppable force that happens anytime, anywhere. You either make change happens or change happens to you. Either ways, change happens. The former gets desired result, the latter gets acquired result.
v I hear people complain about government, leaders and systems. They want them to make change, but they remain unchanged. You can contribute to the change you desire. Stop blaming people. You change, and things will change.
v Can you see your life as a moving car? Where you were yesterday, is not where you are today. Where you are passing, notwithstanding, but where you are going, far more outstanding. The situations around you are changing as you keep moving. Things are turning around for your good. Your life is changing for better.
v Your thinking affects your living. Your environment affects your thinking 'cos that is where the raw materials for your thoughts came from. To change your thinking, change your environment, and create a new one. How? By carefully selecting what you hear and see. Don't hear anyhow so you won't live anyhow. Don't see anything so you won't miss everything.
v There can't be a change without a force. Newton's 1st law of motion vindicates that; 'An object will remain in a state of rest or constant motion unless it's being acted upon by an external force' . To make the change you desire, you must apply the force you inspire, else change will be a daydream.
v If you are waiting for people to make a change, then you might wait till eternity. Make a change and people will join the train. Don't wait till you get what you want, start with what you have.
v Change is like 2 sides of a coin, that can fall on any side. You either turn it to the side you want or it falls on the side it wants. It's either by choice or by force. Some have become victim of change. Some have become victor by change. Decide the category you want.
v It cannot be overemphasized, that words are important raw materials for change. Mighty words come out of mighty minds, and cause mighty change. I have seen giants and great men in history wroth remarkable changes through their words. Don't waste your words. Make change with them.
v Change happens everywhere. Our body is not an exception. About 300 billion new cells are formed and 300 million old cells died in our body everyday. At least 1000-1500 calories of energy are consumed everyday for basal metabolism. Our brain cells produce new chemicals when we sleep and get rid of toxins that cause fatigue. From outside to inside, visible and invisible changes take place in our body that keep us healthy and fresh, otherwise we would have become a bunch of weak and stinky entities.
v Resistance to positive change is acceptance to negative change. Some people have become irrelevant simply because they refused to change. Change either keep you updated or outdated. It either make you better or worse. Change makes you change.
v One of the benefits of change is that it allows something new or different. Life is not boring or monotonous with change. Change allows things to be done better and differently. Innovation and creativity work with people who have the mind of changing the statu quo. You may meet things the same, don't leave them the same.
v One of the most difficult job to do is to try to change people. No, they won't change. The best way to change people is to change yourself. Why? Because you are the mirror image of people. The change you want to see is the change you have to be. #Proven
v From infant stage to where I am right now, I've changed. I've been breastfed. I've crawled and stumbled. I've slept 20 out of 24hours. I've cried aimlessly as a sign of hyperactiveness with apology to nobody. I've played morning till night all over the town, only to come back home and sleep. I did whole lots. As I grew up, things have changed. My mentality has changed. My understanding has changed. I've grown in wisdom and stature. In short, my life has changed and still changing for better. Oh, what a change. You did not suddenly get to where you are, you actually changed from who you were.
v People make different investments. Some invest in real estates. Some invest in false estates. The greatest investment is the one you made in people. Whoever wants to live great in life will live less of him-self and more of His-self. Change your investment.
v Somebody said- 'Only God will change Nigeria'. God said, 'Only you can change Nigeria'. Joseph didn't say only God can save Egypt. Thomas Jefferson did not say only God can change America. Mikhail Gorbachev didn't say only God can save Soviet Union from communist grip. Heros like Wiston Churchill, Martin Luther king, Abraham Lincoln, and Nelson Mandela, people who have marked their names on the sands of time took responsibility and deployed the gifts and abilities God has given them, with proper application of principles that make things work. But, not dillydallying around and say, only God will save us. What will change Nigeria is not in God's hand, It's in our hands. Until we change Nigeria, no miracle will happen.
v The platitude of 'Only God will change Nigeria' is killing people's creativity and blindfolding their eyes from seeing what God has put in and around them to make use of. A lot of resources and business ideas are aborted everyday because we're waiting for God to intervene. Instead of asking for what we already have, let's receive wisdom to see and make good use of them.
v Pray for the good of Nigeria, for they that love it will prosper. Prayer has been grossly abused by the religious bigots. They pray selfish prayers, which will not make things work. Prayer is not a religion. It's a principle. Change is inevitable with the weapon of prayer. Let's pray for our leaders. They will get direction and lead us a right. Let's pray for the people, and let's not curse. Prayer with diligence will always produce massive results, any time, any day.
v Are there people who are excited with me about the situation of Nigeria? Not because we love to see problems, but because we love to solve problems. Come on, this is the largest black nation in the world. The problems in the land are symbols of blessings. The problems allow us to be needed. Otherwise, our gifts, talents, abilities, and skills become useless. Let's think of the problem we can solve. Let's think of the value we can add. A light from you can spread all over. Don't wait for any one. You're the one Nigeria is waiting for. Go make the change.
v Above all, let's take up the nature of love. Let's love people. Let's love our leaders. The change we desire is in us, not outside us. Our thinking affects our living. Let's think good about Nigeria. Let's talk good about Nigeria, and we'll surely live good in Nigeria. Lasting change starts from individuals, not the politicians.
v 'The force applied is directly proportional to the rate of change in momentum'- Newton's 2nd law of motion. If you want a tangible change, apply a tangible force. If things are moving slowly or not moving at all, don't complain, apply more force. They'll run. Your result is justified by the force you applied.
v You can change a man's dress. You can change what he eats, you can change where he lives, you can change how he talks, you can change how he acts, you can even change where he goes. If you've not changed how he thinks, you've not changed his life. Don't change what a man does, change what he thinks. Being a nice time with ChangeEpisodes, let's move on to the next episode.
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