v Time is an important factor of life. It has quantity, and it has quality. The difference between the old and young is the quantity of time, whereas, the difference between the rich and poor is the quality of time.
v Let's not be religious, what God will do for six days, he won't use one day to do it.
v Give it time, that zygote will become fetus. Give it time, that small girl will become mother of nations. Give it time, that rejected idea will become a multimillion dollar project. Give it time, that seed will yield bountiful harvest. Give it time, your faith will manifest. Give it time, you will become who you really are.
v You could struggle and toil for years without achieving any tangible results. A moment in His presence can give you an encounter of a lifetime.
v Time will make no sense to you until you're seriously in need of just 5minutes to get a job done, in need of 2minutes to meet up with an important appointment, in need of 1minute to enter an examination hall, but was eventually disqualified, in need of 30seconds to enter an important flight or train, but was missed, less than 10seconds to decide between life& death, but couldn't do nothing. Time is one of the most valuable resources in life. Don't waste it.
v An intangible resource that you can make tangible resources out of it...Mr.Time. You can convert your time to money, you can convert it to certificates. You can also convert your time to skills and all kinds of visible achievements. Infact, children can come from wise investment of your time with your spouse(Marriage affairs). Time is a currency, make sure you buy good things out of life with it.
v Right things can be done but not at the right time. Right time always makes right things right. There's time for everything.
v Why fighting over what you can always get back at the expense of what you can never retrieve again. Time is an irreversible factor that can always get you back things that are lost. Don't cry over spilled milk, take your time to produce a new milk.
v The time has come when the Effulgence of God's Glory will be exalted among the nations of the world. Gentiles will come to the full knowledge of Christ and the Kingdom of our God will be established. Glory to God!
v In the beginning, all creatures were created under the custody of time. Ability to understand and control time puts you in charge of creation.
v Chronos operates with human calculations and speculations. Kairos operates with divine agenda and purpose. The latter always dominate the former with the consent of God-kind on earth.
v Don't spend time, invest it. Spent time would depreciate your value, invested time would appreciate your value. Identify the priorities.
v Expensive people sell their time expensively, cheap people sell their time cheaply.
v Time is a commodity that rich people are looking for. Time is a liability that poor people are dying with.
v What kind of seeds are you sowing into your time...??? If you sow unmarital sex, you'll reap unwanted destiny, if you sow too much sleep, you'll reap poverty, if you sow help, you will reap unmerited favour, if you sow diligence, you'll reap greatness, if you sow prayers, you'll reap manifested blessings, if you sow good studies, you'll reap good knowledge that guarantees good success. Start sowing good seeds into your time now and you'll start reaping good harvest.
v It's not about the quantity, but it's about the quality of time you live on earth that matters. The former gives account of your age, whereas, the latter gives account of your impacts and results in life. Make a quality lifetime, not just a quantity lifetime.
v For the fact that your reward has not come now doesn't mean you have wrongly invested your time, for the fact that people around you are making visible progress doesn't mean that, that time of delay has been a waste. Nothing is disposable, every second of your life has got a role to play, an experience is not an experiment but an encounter for enthronement, all things are working together for your good. Believe it, confess it and act on it. Greatness is yours!
v Has 5minutes ever appeared to you like 5hours or 5hours appeared to you like 5minutes...The difference is when God gets hold of your time or the devil sneaks into your time. Let God mastermind your time.
v If procrastination is an enemy of time, then proactiveness is a friend of time.
v Relevance is a function of time. A life becomes relevant if it can function at the appropriate time.
v As the days go by; new knowledge, new ideas, new revelations, new results, new accomplishments and lots more surface, Why? The factor of time. Time is the agency through which secrets and mysteries will be brought to light. Hummm....Time makes life adventurous.
v When you don't plan nothing into your time, devil plans something into your time. Divine appointment saves you from demonic engagements.
v If you can invest your time into people's lives, they can invest their life into your time.
v The more the time you invest in preparation, the more the result you have in performance. Take your time to answer in private the questions you will be asked in public.
v Don't waste your time running after eagles, take your time to gather carcass. Don't mismanage your time pursuing money, invest your time in getting practical ideas that will magnetize money. Don't waste your time running after small boys and girls that are living pompously on their parents' pseudowealth, take your time to add value to your life. You have what you need. You have time, turn it over.
v There's no free time, except the one you make free, there's no break time, except the one you break into. A good master of time is a good master of life.
v Everything in life is monitored with time, including your own body; A nucleus in the hypothalamus, suprachiasmatic nucleus(human biological clock) controls when you sleep and when you wake up. A farmer might have forgotten when he planted a seed inside the soil, but time will not forget when to give him his harvest. A man might have forgotten when he impregnated his wife, but time will not forget when to hand over his baby to him from his wife's womb when is due. Check what you are doing with time, and time will tell what you have done with it.
v Those that invest their time on the minors of life have minor results. Those that invest their time on the majors of life have major results. Then, those that wisely appropriate their time on the minors and majors of life have a perfect, life-changing results.
v Speed is the distance covered per time. There's a speed of a bicycle, there's a speed of a car, there's a speed of an aeroplane. The last is the fastest and the most convenient. There's a divine aircraft, that gives you the fastest speed in the journey of life. Don't worry if a bicycle rider has traveled miles, don't be bothered if a car driver has covered hundreds of kilometers, be patient till your flight takes off, they'll be hearing of you from higher realms of life. What am talking about is Grace! Grace saves your time, adds value to your life and makes you enjoy your best life on earth.
v There are times when time is cheap, there are times when time is expensive. Do not sell your time cheap when it is expensive, and do not sell your time expensive when you can easily give it out. The story of wise and foolish virgins.
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