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Thursday, November 2, 2017

Do we need God?

Let's not be religious, let's be practical. Let's not hide it, let's face it. Why do we need God? Why must we know God? Does He really exist or people are just phantomizing? Alright! Let's get the obvious out of these. Life is more than what we see. It's more than what we feel. It has to be what we know. You don't need to see God physically before you know he exists. Certain forces are at work in life that has rule over humans, no matter how strongyou are. It's wisdom to recognize and connect to the source of all things. That will automatically put you in charge of all things. God is the source of all things, including you. Therefore, it's not a matter of do you need God. It's a matter of do you know Him. Your life is God's breath. The moment God takes His breath, you are gone. You don't just need God, you must know and connect to Him to live your best life on earth. #Blessings

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