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Thursday, November 2, 2017

Leadership from the Inside

Oftentimes when we mention leadership, our attention is always drawn to leading people and all the external activities. But, there's an internal aspect of leadership, where who you are dominates where you are. If I'm a light, then darkness cannot dominate where I am. Leadership starts from the inside, and then manifest on the outside. Infact, leading right is a product of living right. Have you taken time to know who you are before knowing where you are? Have you had time to discover yourself before discovering other people? We know virtually everything about where we are, but nothing about who we are. We know the latest news, the details of people around us, but little or nothing about what is within us. Can you set goals for yourself and achieve them without any external influence? You don't need to be carried away by external affairs when things have not been put in place inside. Real leaders are not hypocrites. They simply manifest who they are, no matter where they are. Leadership starts from who you are and then manifests where you are. #Blessings

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