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Thursday, November 2, 2017

Cutting-Edge Leadership

I had always wondered why some countries in the world would be categorized as developed and some other ones as undeveloped. Then I realized what the problem was. People in developed countries have developed minds that those in undeveloped or developing countries don't have. For developed countries, they are the ones leading in economy, power, healthcare, technology, science, research, manufacturing capital goods, innovations and creativities. For undeveloped countries, they are the followers, the slaves, the buyers and consumers of expensive goods from developed countries. They discuss animalistic primitive issues. Noise everywhere. Corruption everywhere. Nonsense celebrations everywhere, and of course, abject poverty everywhere. There's no time to think. There's no time to be creative. It's activities all over; jumping, shouting, fighting, sexing and all sorts of animalistic behaviors. Can these ones just sit down somewhere and think of their lives and future? Can there be quietness everywhere and have some moments of reflection? Why is there suffering in the midst of plenty? Blindness, Ignorance. It's high time people in undeveloped countries woke up and think of how to make their lives and future better and not celebrating mediocrity as the norm. #Blessings

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