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Sunday, November 12, 2017

Ideas Episodes; Realistic Ideas

There are problems in the world. But, none will receive solution except there are ideas. Ideas solve problems. Ideas create solutions. What we lack is not solutions. What we lack is ideas.

There are superficial ideas, and there are deep ideas. There are short-term ideas, and there are long-term ideas. Superficial ideas solve superficial problems. Deep ideas solve deep problems. Short-term ideas solve short-term problems. And long-term ideas solve long-term problems.

As time rolls out new days and nights, it also rolls out new ideas. Don't stay long with old ideas. Get new ones. New ideas keep you updated. Old ideas keep you outdated.

Don't beg God for money. Ask him for ideas. Ideas can make you money. Ideas can make you rich. God doesn't give money, He gives ideas.

It takes time to generate great ideas. Great ideas don't jump into a rowdy mind. You need to settle your mind before you can come up with something meaningful. If your mind is not settled, your life is not settled.

People who are reigning this world are people with ideas. They are in business, economic, political, social, technological, professional and entertainment world. They have reigning ideas. They talk ideas. They work ideas. And so they lead ideas.

Poor people have poor ideas. Rich people have rich ideas. Bad people have bad ideas. Good people have good ideas. Foolish people have foolish ideas. Wise people have wise ideas. We know the quality of your mind by the quality of your ideas.

Beyond ideas, let's have the results. Beyond the talk, let's do the work. Beyond the season of the moment, let's have the reason for the moment. Don't only verbalize your ideas, crystallize them.

What are ideas? How do I generate ideas? How do I turn my ideas into reality? I'm not sure what I have is an idea or just a suggestion in my head, so how do I recognize ideas? Is it compulsory to have ideas? What if I have problem with generating ideas, what do I do? Where do ideas come from? What is the importance of having ideas? If your question is among these, think of the answer before the next episode.

Starting with the last question; What is the importance of having ideas? Ideas are solutions. Ideas are panaceas. When you engage them, you become problem solver, and positively influence your generation. You can't solve problems without having ideas.

Whatever is capable of accomplishing a task from the mind is an idea; good or bad. It is concrete, discrete and definite. Ideas come in form of thoughts, pictures, words, impressions, imaginations and so on. Ideas are effusions from the mind.

We only receive ideas in the capacity of our minds. You can't contain idea that is beyond the capacity of your mind. You must develop your mind to the capacity of ideas you want to receive. Only great minds produce great ideas.

Ideas are generated in two ways; from problems, or from solutions. Ideas are generated when you analyze problems to give solutions. Ideas are generated when you amplify solutions to proffer more solutions.

Many people have ideas, but not all of them have their ideas turned into reality. One of the ways by which you can turn your ideas into reality is through hard work. If you don't work, you won't have worth. Ideas will always die in the heart of lazy minds, but will always thrive in the hand of working minds.

Your words express your ideas. Your actions establish your ideas. Expressed ideas are for the moment. Established ideas are for the monuments. Don't just say it, do it!

It is God's idea to create man in His image and configure him after His likeness. The creative nature of God is evident in man. Men have created things, and still creating. Mighty infrastructures, Mind blowing science and technologies, Creative arts and stuffs. To top it all, men are creating lives and destinies. *It's good to celebrate fathers who love God and His people. Happiest birthday Apostle Victor Ahamefule. Your days will be fulfilled on earth. Congratulations!

Developed countries think about problems to solve them. Undeveloped countries talk about problems to see them. The former engage their minds to produce ideas on solving problems. The latter clogged their minds to produce ideas on talking problems.

Life becomes frustrating when there is no idea on how to solve a problem. So, the focus is on the problem. What about the mind? Ideas come from the mind. If your ideas are not solving problems, Change your mind. New mind will produce new ideas that will solve that problem.

Human needs; food, clothing, accommodation, health, information, education, entertainment, fashion, technology, transportation, electricity, security, power, communication, relationship, leadership, management, finance, love, success and so on. Ideas to meet any of these needs will be relevant. Think, study, learn and work out tangible ideas on how you can meet any of these needs. Then, we know you are a blessing to us.

Resources are wasted in the absence of ideas. Moderate resources with ideas is better than abundant resources without ideas. People with no ideas will always serve people with ideas. Resources are everywhere. But ideas are not everywhere.

Problems keep multiplying when we don't solve them. Ideas are the keys to solving problems. Problems give birth to ideas in a working mind. Where there are problems, there are ideas.

While you are still hesitating on implementing that idea, many lives are waiting on you. Imagine if there was no idea on making electric light. Imagine if there was no idea on making mobile phones. Imagine if there was no idea on making foods and drinks you are eating everyday. I know for sure that there's something with you right now that is somebody's idea. Where is your own idea? When are we going to have access to your own ideas? Ideas flow in the areas of your passion, desires, career, gifts, talents, calling and so on. God will not give you a million-dollar idea if you've not worked on one-dollar idea He gave you. Work on your ideas.

Only God knows how many ideas that have died in the hearts of men. Some have been buried inside the grave. Some ideas died because of fear of failure. Some died because of rejection from men. Some died because of lack of focus. Some died because of lack of hard work. Some died because of lack of resources. Some died because of lack of motivation and support. But great ideas don't always come in acceptable and palatable form. They always break conventions and traditions. They are new inventions. Many people can help you with spending your money, only few people can help you with investing it. Many people can help you with killing your idea, only few people can help you with nurturing it. When you get an idea, don't sleep over it, work on it. An idea must be able to solve problem or proffer better solutions. An idea must be able to meet a need. If your idea can accomplish any of these, go ahead and implement it. It doesn't matter if it's not accepted now, it will be celebrated later. I see you impacting the world through your ideas. #Blessings

Quite important, time. It has no specific definition, yet gives everything on earth specific destination. Here it is. Time starts counting down right from when the zygote is formed, till embryonic and fetal stages, and finally till when the time is due, and a full fledged human is born. We call it birthday, but not the conceived day that happened about 38weeks ago. The birthday is officially recorded and the life of the newborn started rolling out with time. The baby needs time to grow the bones, the muscles and the organs. And as the child grows, the body systems become more and more matured and functional. Then, till finally old age comes, and start rounding everything off. Everything on earth is put under the jurisdiction of time. The currency of life is time. It is the police that monitors all the affairs of life and every human activity. Whatever is living is under the jurisdiction of time. Check whatever you have done, time was there. Check whatever you are doing now, time is with you. And think of your plans tomorrow, they are under the jurisdiction of time. Until a man drops pen and crosses to the other side, he will still be under the influence of time. Things change because of time. We can start things and end them because of time. Every part of human body is under the calculation of time. The cells have lifespan. They are not gonna live forever. Time makes us value and assess life. We can differentiate yesterday from today and today from tomorrow because of time. If you have invested your time yesterday, expect your harvest today. If you are investing your time today, expect your harvest tomorrow, for time will owe no man nothing. It is good you have time when you do important things of your life and the less important ones. Go ahead and enjoy the blessings of time. #Blessings

My praise is continuous and spontaneous. To my heavenly Father, the Father of glory, who has set the heavens above the earth. Who is like unto thee, oh Lord? Who is like unto thee? Among the gods, who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders forevermore, Hallelujah. Thank you Father for your Grace. Thank you for your blessings. You have made me like you, created in your image and patterned after your likeness. I do whatever I see my father does. I say whatever I hear my father says. I am the apple of His eyes. Who is he that justifies? Is it not the Lord who is the Father of all. What or who can separate me from the Love of Christ? No where to be found. Father I worship you and glorify your holy name. Blessed be God forever and ever more, Amen and Amen! #MuchBlessings

God knew what He was saying when He said I will do a new thing. He understood how stale and irrelevant old things could be. Again, he said don't make repetition while you are talking to me. He knows how boring and annoying saying same story could be. In this last days, the scripture is fulfilled, God has poured out His Spirit upon all flesh. Many beautiful things are happening. People are getting nice ideas everyday. God is showing His people good treasures and green pastures. They are doing great things. New concepts, new ideas, new revelations, new songs, beautiful stuffs. Devil has got no stand here, God-kinds are taking over. If you are where you were, come to where you should be. There's no point repeating somebody's songs to make your own album. Compose your own songs. There's no point preaching somebody else's message. Preach your own message. Your life is not copy and paste, but a special script that should be read. You are not humanly programmed, but divinely designed to do excellent things. Enough of unnecessary repetitions. Let's get to the core of our identity and uniqueness in Christ. Peace. #MuchBlessings

The duo took a break from their work at Yahoo company. They really desired something new, so traveled to South America as a break from work. One of them got an iPhone and realized that the App store was about creating an industry of apps. He became enthused, and went to discuss with his friends. Immediately, he got an idea. He thought of an app that would have statuses next to individual names of the people. He named the app "WhatsApp" to sound like "What's up", or "What are you up to", an active phrase that could make any youth interested, even the old ones. On February 24, 2009, WhatsApp became incorporated in California. At a point, he was fed up because the app often crashed and got stuck, but his friend encouraged him to wait for a few more months. Him and his friends had invested over $250,000. The app later had android and other versions. By December 2013, WhatsApp had got over 400 million users. On February 19, 2014, Facebook bought over WhatsApp for $19 billion. The duo had invested not up to 1% of that amount but became billionaires in approximately 5 years after, just from one idea. An idea can give you the money that the smartest scam cannot give you. The names of the duo are Jan Koum and Brian Acton. #Blessings

The Spirit of God is an unending source of great ideas. Starting from the account of creation, when the Spirit of God was present, God had an idea of how the heaven and earth should look like. But the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. But the darkness and emptiness couldn't stop the Spirit of God from moving. They couldn't stop God's idea of making the heaven and earth beautiful. Every idea from God is a winning idea; no matter the situation, no matter the opposition. I believe one of the strategies of the devil is to frustrate us with problems so that we will not be able to implement God's ideas. But No!!! We will not give-in. But, we will go ahead and implement those long, overdue ideas. While God is waiting for us to do something, we are waiting for him to do everything. He has given us His Spirit. He has given us His Word. The Spirit of God opens our eyes to ideas in the Word of God. Whenever you need an idea, go into the Word and engage the Spirit of God to reveal ideas to you. You will be shocked with how much ideas you will get. I see you with loads of testimonies. You are winning in life. #MuchBlessings

Sewage in old age was a pollution. It was a waste and irritant. But that was when there were no ideas. That was when there were no information on what to do. In this new age, sewage is recycled and converted to better things. It is no longer seen as just a waste and pollution to the environment, but as raw material for better products. Sewage is a collection of waste water and excrement conveyed in sewers. An average human consumes about 50 liters of fresh water everyday for domestic purposes such as bathing, washing, cooking, cleaning and flushing. The collection of this 'used water' is called sullage. Drinking water (potable water) is not part of this because it's put inside the body. Sullage is easier to purify than sewage. Notwithstanding, sewage has got benefits after being recycled. Sewage contains water, dissolved minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, oil and fats, coliform bacteria and total suspended solids. Sewage is treated in Sewage treatment plant by primary, secondary and tertiary stages of treatment. The impurities are removed. The bacteria and solid mass of the sewage are separated and dried up to be used as compost in a garden. The water left is treated by several filtration methods, chlorination, ozonation and/or with ultraviolet light. After all these, the clean water is ready for use, for domestic and industrial purposes. #Blessings

God bless the fathers some more. I'm so inspired about the fathers. Thank God for the fathers. They lead us. They direct us. They instruct us. They guide us. They teach us. They correct us. They feed us. They protect us. They mold us. Fathers are rare gem. They are epitome of greatness. With fathers, our future is secured. With fathers, our path is straightened. With fathers, we are led by the way of righteousness. With fathers, our work is easier. With fathers, we learn wisdom and gain experience. With fathers, we can discern. With fathers, we are delivered from the enemies. With fathers, we don't fall into ditch. With fathers, we know the right things to do. With fathers, we are motivated and inspired, and we can journey till the end. With fathers, our paths are guided and directed. Fathers suffer pains and shame on our behalf. They endure discomfort so that we can be comfortable. They release their shoulders so that we can reach greater heights. They work in the night, so that we can walk in the light. Fathers are not only biological, but they are blessing to every area of our lives as well. I pray for the fathers; May you increase more. May your strength be renewed. May your health be preserved. May you see generations of your children's children. May God bless all your labours on earth and multiply your blessings. Peace. #MuchBlessings

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