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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Benefits of Seeds

Seeds can be eaten as foods. Cereals, legumes, and nuts are examples. Seeds are good source of cooking and non-cooking oils. Cooking oils; palm oil, soybean oil, canola oil (rapeseed oil), corn oil, and peanut oil. Non-cooking oils; Linseed oil (used in paints). Seeds are used to make beverages, spices, and food additives. Seeds are good source of medicines. Castor oil, tea tree oil, and laetrile (cancer drug) are examples. Seeds have been used as beads in necklaces and rosaries, including Job's tears, chinaberry, rosary pea, and castor bean. Seeds are used as toys by children. Resin from clusia roses seeds is used to caulk boats. Chemicals that kill nematodes, nematicides, are from milkweed seeds. Also, cottonseed meal is used as animal feed and fertilizer. These and many more are important benefits of seeds. #Blessings.

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