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Thursday, November 2, 2017

I have A Father

I have a father. I have a source. I'm rooted, I'm not rootless. I'm helpfound, I'm not helpless. My Father is not just a father, He's a provider. He's not just a provider, He's an helper. He is not just an helper, He's my all in all. When I'm deep asleep, My Father never go to sleep. When I'm running towards danger, my Father puts a caution block on the way and puts my feet back on the track. When I'm in a haste to get things done and have quick result, my Father teaches me patience. It took me time to understand who a father is. Father provides. Father protects. Father promotes. Father loves genuinely. Father fulfills promises. Oh, how I love my father. He's unlimited. He's unhinderedless. He has everything 'cos He actually owns everything. My father, my father, how I love you so much. Thank you. #Blessings.

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