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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

We are unique in our own way

When a man asks a question, he wants a good answer. When a woman asks a question, she wants beyond a good answer, she wants a good response. For a woman, it doesn't matter whether your answer is right or wrong, if it's with good response. But for a man, it doesn't matter whether your response is good or not, if it is a good answer. He will only remember the good answer, he might not remember the wrong response if there was any. For a woman, she will only remember the good response, she might not remember the wrong answer if there was any. Now, this does not mean men should be treated rudely or we should be too meticulous with talking to women. It just mean we will have more understanding and avoid misunderstanding. A woman recognizes the tone in the voice. A man recognizes the voice in the tone. Sometimes, a man has challenge communicating with a woman, because he has forgotten she's not another man. While he gave the right answer casually, she thinks about his casual response and not the right answer. But, this has been the way the man has been living his life with his friends. So, a man must learn how to give not only the right answer, but also the right response to a woman. And while men are learning, women should be patient with men and vice-varsa. #Blessings

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