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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Health Episodes; Doctor Of Health

Health is a state that determines our states; physical, mental, social, spiritual and what a view. It cuts across every fiber of our being. Missing health for one minute could mean missing life for one year. Health is not in what we see, it is in what we know.

v Money can buy you drugs, it can't buy you health. Connection can get you the best hospital, it can't guarantee correct diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic(unknown) disease. In as much as these things are important for good health, they are not dependable. You can maintain good health with what you have. It's not about how much you have, it's about how much you know with what you have.

v Oftentimes we don't remember our health until we are in serious need of it. We don't appreciate food until we are hungry, neither do we acknowledge that there's good oxygen in the air to keep us healthy until a room where we're is choked up. But, you don't have to be sick before you value your health. You can keep good health. You can improve your health. Good health makes you enjoy life, even without knowing.

v Government is not responsible for your health. No organization in the society has been given the assignment to take care of your health. They could be supportive, but not inductive. Health is personal, not general. Take good care of your health.

v Our hands are the most mobile part of our body that can easily transfer germs from anywhere into our body. From handshaking to prehensile handling of objects, can increase our propensity of getting respiratory(e.g cold/flu) or gastrointestinal(e.g diarrhea) infections. Simple hand washing will do a good job. Wash your hands before you eat, or after handling soiled objects. Good hands can hand you over to good health.

v The state of your mind affects the state of your health. What are you thinking about right now? Thoughts are powerful. They can increase your blood pressure or decrease it. They can keep you healthy or make you sick. Don't entertain thoughts that will make you feel bad. But conceive ones that will make you feel good. Good thoughts are ingredients for healthy living. Think good and you will live good. #InvokePlaceboEffect#RevokeNoceboEffect

v Six years in medical school has taught us how to diagnose and treat diseases. Less attention has been paid on health. The focus has been on diseases. Consequently, people don't remember Doctors until they are sick and about to die. I wonder what a waste of knowledge if people that should be custodians of health have become recipients of bad occurrences. There must be a paradigm shift in medical world.

v If health is not just mere absence of disease, then it must be complete presence of something -wellness. It's not about how good looking you are, it's about how well living you are. Live well, even if things are not going well, they will soon arrive well for you.

v People who care about their health are the most productive people in the world. They think well, they get new ideas and make headways. Ill health cripples people's productivity and makes them poor. Abject poverty is not the absence of money, it is the presence of sick, unproductive mind. You can't be wealthy without being healthy. A healthy mind is a wealthy man.

v The best way to keep a man healthy is not to buy him drugs. It's to educate his mind.

v Sleep makes us relaxed, refreshed, and renewed. It's a gift we don't pay for, until we started looking for it. Sleep keeps us healthy. Skipping sleep for days could seem skipping health for years. Health benefits of sleep; improves our immune function, learning and memory, metabolism, curbs inflammation, improves creativity, causes less fatigue and stress, induces more strength, sharpened attention, healthy body weight, improved appetite, good control of blood pressure, steer clear of depression, emotional balance and maintenance of other important body functions. Good sleep assures you of good health, sleep good.

v Any thought that does not produce faith, hope or love is not healthy to your spirit. It's highly infectious. Discard it.

v Obesity is on the rise all over the world. Over 2 billion people in the world are obese. Diet and lifestyle are culprits. Obesity poses numerous threats to human health. Don't eat till you become obese. It's not good for your health. Abstemious diet with good exercise are key to healthy living. Don't only put food inside your body, make sure it's good for your body.

v Shortage of water both inside and outside the body is detrimental to health. There's no alternative to water. Water is vital for life. We can't live healthy without water. We hardly appreciate water until we witness its absence. If you've ever been thirsty to the point of being dehydrated, you would know that though water doesn't have calories, it has benefits that no man can downplay. Water is indispensable for healthy living.

v Sex outside marriage(whether premarital, extramarital or postmarital) is not healthy for your life. Besides psychological disbalance and physical STDs, there are sexually transmitted demons that are transferred during sex. If you doubt, ask the Jezebels. If you gonna enjoy your health in marriage, then avoid sex outside marriage. Enjoy being single so you won't have shingles.

v Can I have a complete health? Yes! Can I maintain a good health? Also, Yes!. Health is not a feeling. It's a state that affects your feeling. Whether you feel it or not, just know you are healthy and that will prompt you to take the right steps. Health is not about where you are. It's about who you are that affects where you are. While you are working on where you are, don't change who you are. Good health is your portion.

v Many are looking for what they want. Only few know what they need. Needs are essentials of life. Wants are frivolities of life. Health is a need, not a want.

v There are people in our lives we'll like to relate with. There are people very close to our heart we'll like to share burdens with. They can feel our feelings. They can think our thoughts. One of the ways of maintaining good health is to know how to offload burdens from the heart. Don't let burdens wear you out, share them out. Let your life be restful, not stressful. #EnjoyPerfectHealth

v I have found out, that the major health problem is not the lack of health facilities, but the lack of mind ability. When you educate the mind about health, you elongate the life without stress.

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