The reality of life is that there will always be times and seasons for things in life. If you know it, you will enjoy it.
v It's summer. All bright out, with hot weather. There's plenty of daylight because the earth axis is tilted towards the sun. There's plenty of heat because the sun's rays hit the earth for a longer time. The former causes the latter.
v Seasons make life beautiful. Different seasons present us with different opportunities to enjoy life. Don't wait for winter. Enjoy summer.
v Different places have different seasons. Summer in northern hemisphere like Ukraine is Winter in southern hemisphere like Australia. The place you are is important for the season you enjoy.
v It's raining season, bring out your bowls to collect water. Don't forget to also till your land and sow good seeds. Work when you have to work. Rest when you have to rest. Don't rest when you have to work. Don't work when you have to rest.
v Seasons are regular. They occur again and again. They happen at some time, but not every time. They happen at some place, but not every place.
v Being a youth is for a season. You are not gonna be young forever. Your energy, your strength, your ideas, your talents, your abilities, your resources should be channeled toward things that will profit your future, not things that will profane your future. Next season is waiting for you.
v Situations of life are not permanent. They are seasons, which are for reasons. They will soon go. But the reasons will soon show. Don't just follow the seasons, know the reasons.
v It's wisdom to prepare for winter in summer, to prepare for dry season in raining season, to prepare for evil day on happy day, to prepare for sowing in reaping, to prepare for marriage while still single.
v The end of one season is the beginning of another. The beginning of one season is the end of another. There's no time of life without season. There is no season of life without time. Life runs in seasons, and Seasons run with life.
v Certain crops are for certain seasons. Any mistake to sow outside the right season will amount to a loss. As a man, don't plant your seeds before marriage. That would be a wrong season. You wouldn't want to waste your seeds. Make sure the time is right. Plant in good season.
v There is heat during summer. There is cold during winter. There is rain during spring. And there is fall during autumn. Every season of life has its peculiarities.
v Every season of life is important. Whether they appear good or not. They will, on the long run amount to your benefit. Don't be in a hurry to run out of a season when you've not found out the reason. The reason might be as important as the season. It's for a purpose.
v There is usually gastrointestinal infections during summer because of food spoilage by heat. And there's usually respiratory infections during winter because of cold. Cold is needed during summer and heat is needed during winter. What is problem in one season is a blessing in another season.
v Ants come out during summer to gather their food and stay in during winter to eat their food. If ants could understand seasons, humans should much more.
v Everybody has different seasons. Everybody must pass through their own seasons. Seasons are not calamities. But are moments of opportunities in diversity.
v Some people only stayed with you for a season. They were never meant to be with you for a clinging. They were only there with you for a reason. The moment the reason is done, their season is gone. But we have higher reasons that go beyond seasons.
v Special seasons are special occasions. People come out in their numbers to celebrate. They move from place to place and from cities to cities. Howbeit, the celebration is occasional but your contribution is intentional.
v There are God-made seasons. There are man-made seasons. There are appointed seasons. There are disappointed seasons. Create the kind of season you want around you by the kind of reason you have within you.
v Every season is a blessing. The problems therein, notwithstanding. Even in dry season, there's a blessing. It teaches us wisdom on how to manage abundance and exercise discipline.
v Divine source is not seasonal. It's available anytime, everytime; anywhere, everywhere.
v Human help is seasonal. You may get it today and be denied tomorrow. Divine help is interventional. You can get it today and be sure of tomorrow.
v If you don't stretch yourself out of season, you won't upgrade yourself up for a reason.
v Seasons have made us to acknowledge time better, understand happenings and events better and appreciate life better.
v You may not be able to control every season of life, but you can always control your reason to every season.
v If you pray with good reasons, you will not pray in few seasons. Prayer is not once in a while. Prayer is all in a while.
v Friendship goes beyond greetings and exchange of pleasantries. We’ve got different definitions to friendship and there are various types. However, the basis of any friendship is agreement. Their attitudes and behaviours must agree, if not all, at least some. There must be a basis of congruency- a factor that makes you correspond in character or nature. If you are looking for a good friend, check yourself first if you are or can be a good friend. Sometimes, we desire some things in people that we don’t have ourselves. An acid test for a true friend is love. Any person that claims to be your friend and does not express love is not a true friend. One of the major expressions of love is giving. The person can give his time, energy, resources, money, even integrity on your behalf. The person can forgive, can be patient, selfless and not proud or bumptious. Now, this doesn’t mean, until you find all these qualities, the person is not a true friend, No! you will see traces of all these qualities, if not obvious, at least some of them. The important thing is love is expressed from a sincere heart. I encourage you to be a true friend, and you will surely find true friends around you. You are attracted to who you are. Be the person you want in people. #Excerpt#TheLanguageOfChange #Chapter4 #ChangeYourExpressions
v To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted; A time to kill, And a time to heal; A time to break down, And a time to build up; A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, And a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing; A time to gain, And a time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to throw away; A time to tear, And a time to sew; A time to keep silence, And a time to speak; A time to love, And a time to hate; A time of war, And a time of peace. #ExcerptFromTheScriptures
v To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted; A time to kill, And a time to heal; A time to break down, And a time to build up; A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, And a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing; A time to gain, And a time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to throw away; A time to tear, And a time to sew; A time to keep silence, And a time to speak; A time to love, And a time to hate; A time of war, And a time of peace. #ExcerptFromTheScriptures
v God created seasons for reasons. If not so, he wouldn't have done it. God is not interested in what makes man happy, he's interested in what makes man fulfilled. Everything God created around man was there for his fulfillment. Nothing was there for show. Whatever God created is good. If it is not good, it is not God, if it is not God, it is not good. There's a being that always abuse everything God does- that is the devil. He's not interested in anything good. He always wants man to see the negative side of everything God does. If God made beauty, he would make you feel guilty with it. If God made seasons, he would make you see reasons why they are not good. But who cares? Don't care about the devil. Don't care about his tactics. For everything God does is good and will always be good.
v There's no point living, if there's nothing to do. Some people have been living on earth as though they are not alive. They beg to live. They struggle to live. People can't see any impact they are making, just seeing their physical body but have died inside long ago because nothing is coming from within. But, the fact is there's something to do. Problems in life cannot be exhausted. There's a problem you are meant to solve. There's a solution you are meant to give. You add value and become someone of great value when you solve problems. How do you solve problems? The first thing is for you to know that you have the capacity to solve problems. Next is, desire. A burning energy that gives you what it takes to get the job done. Next, identify a need or a problem and get ideas on how to solve it. How??? ... Excerpt from: #TheLanguageOfChange #Chapter3 #ChangeYourImpressions
v Everyday is special. There's nothing that makes Sunday different from Monday, or Saturday different from Thursday. They are all the same. They are all special. It's a mindset! God made everyday special. It's human activities that made some days special and some days casual. They made some days working, and some days resting. Anyway, it's okay in as much as it doesn't affect your mindset on the fact that God made all days equal and puts his blessings on each day. Everyday is the day that the Lord has made. It could be Friday. It could be Saturday. And we will rejoice and be glad in it. Don't fix your mind on a particular day of the week as being special. Everyday for a believer is special. It's only a religious bigot that would say one day of the week is special than the other. Did you know that God has a package for you everyday, including today? He always loads us with benefits daily, not weekly or monthly, but daily. Don't let Devil rob you of your daily blessings. Your life everyday is an opportunity. It pleases God to make your life special everyday and make you enjoy it. He desires you to enjoy every day of your life. He wouldn't want your enjoyment to be once in a week, or twice in a week, but everyday of your life. Therefore, prepare everyday of the week as being special. Make everyday special and receive the blessings God has package therein for you. You're blessed!
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