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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

You are God's Best

An armed robber became a preacher of gospel. A chronic whoremonger became a woman of God. That's what Grace could do. God sees us the way we could be while we are still the way we might be. God expressed his love towards us, that while we're yet sinners, Christ died for us. Only vision could make God see value in us even when we think we're nothing. A stone that has been rejected and dejected by the builders, has now become a cornerstone. Indeed, this is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our sight. The Lord brought me from the dunghill of life and placed me on high to be seated with kings. Somebody, God is bringing the best out of your life for the enemies to know that they've not seen the best yet until they see you because your life will give the definition of what it means to be the best. Congratulations! #Blessings

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