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Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Spoken Words

I had always wanted to understand the mystery behind spoken words. Words can be communicated in many ways including written and pictorial forms. But spoken words are different. They make changes that any other forms of words cannot make. First, is the production of sound energy. Such energy could only be converted to another form of energy when released into the air but never destroyed. Second, we engage our mouth for expression of spoken words. Every word that comes out of your mouth releases something into the air, which could be positive or negative, depending on where it's coming from. Have you ever counted how many words you spoke per day? I imagine if every word you speak produces money, how much you would have had by now. However, for some people, they know how to produce money with their words. It's important we pay close attention to our words. You are not perfect yet until your words are perfect. Our words define us. Our words refine us. Let's not complain about our world, when we've not changed our words. #Blessings

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