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Friday, November 3, 2017

Love in Marriage


Husbands, love your wives. Love is the only key that brings out the best in any woman. One of the greatest need of a woman is affection, which is a component of love. Women are created to be loved. That is why they are sensitive to love. They know if you are faking it or making it. They can discern it. They can be jealous of it and they must not be denied of it. There's nothing as deadly to any woman as to make her feel unloved or rejected. That could make her kill herself. Trust is built on love. No woman has ever rejected love. Rather, crave for it more and more. Love casts out fear, but brings in peace, joy and restful mind. Husband, give to your wife liberally. Forgive, forget and forsake her wrong doings. But accept, believe and encourage her well doings. She will give you her best shot and make your world beautiful. #Blessings

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