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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Life Episodes; Life Liver

v Life is a journey that is in phases and stages. It's one-way traffic with no going back. Better to relish every moment of it, for there is no joy in the graveyard.

v Don't force your life on anybody. What somebody doesn't appreciate about you is what many other people are waiting for. Value your life!

v I have been on earth for some days now. I have found the difference between meaningful life and meaningless life. The formal found purpose, the latter failed purpose.

v Every product has a manufacturer. Every manufacturer knows the purpose of his product. Your life is God's product. He knows your purpose. To know your life purpose is not farfetched. Get to know Him and He will tell you.

v A man's life does not consist of the abundance of the things he has but of the abundance of the lives he touched with what he has. There's a life worths celebrating... Your life!

v Have you ever experienced God's goodness in life? Has the Lord's favour being evident in your life? Have you ever being a living witness of what God can do? Your life is a living testimony. Therefore, testify!

v It's unprecedented. I mean it has never happened before, your life- God's innovative idea. It's special, it's unique. Among billions of lives, God could distinctively separate yours from the others, just because he wants your life to accomplish what no other life has accomplish before. God doesn't make repetitions, He makes innovations. Your life is God's freshest idea on earth, Make a difference.

v People will not celebrate your living if your life has not impacted their living.

v Ask me how long I want to live and I will tell you how well I want to live. Not how many years that makes a life fulfilled, but how many impacts in the line of your purpose that makes a fulfilled life.

v Don't beg to live, brag to live. Begging puts you at the mercy of life, bragging puts you at the mastery of life. Fear begs, Faith brags. Check it out!

v God does not have problem with your living, He has problem with your thinking. 'Cos what is inside will always become what is outside. Good thinking produces good living. Think good life.

v There's nothing like private or public life. Your life is your life, anytime, anywhere. Whether in your closet or on the street. No hypocrisy!

v Great lives meet needs, small lives create needs.

v Don't live if there's nothing to lose, don't die if there's nothing to gain. To live is Christ's, to die is gain.

v Good life is not driving a nice car, it is not living in a good house, it's not giving birth to many children, neither is it having numerous possessions. It is one thing...making other lives good. #LifeTouch #LoveTouch

v For the very first time I saw a dead human body, terrible fear overwhelmed me that brought tears out of my eyes. I was wondering what could make a talking human being few seconds ago become permanently silent dead body, not to even respond to the hardest stimulus. I could touch the same body, feel the same texture, but hear no breath. A once living has become dead. All the titles, all the positions, all the accomplishments, all the certificates, all the glory, all the power and authorities, all the wisdom and smartness, all the gifts and talents, all the material possessions, and all the money in the bank, have all gone, just like that. All because the spirit has departed off the body. So, it's the spirit that runs life, flesh only does the casing. Let your spirit impact lives while still inside the body.#SpiritfromHeaven #BodyfromEarth #HeavenonEarth #ImpactonEarth

v You start living when you know why you should live. You stop living when you know why you should die. A life of no purpose is as good as dead.

v There is a life, though exist but is restricted to a place till it dies(plant life). There is another life, though can move everywhere but is restricted by its nature(animal life). There is another life, though can do everything but could be restricted by his mind(human life). Humm, there is another life, higher kind of life, though everything has been done on his behalf but could be restricted by one thing- Ignorance. Ignorance is the greatest enemy of living.

v How I wish I have another life. Which other variant is available that I could choose from? What if I terminate this life, can I get another one? A simple answer- your life is not optional, it is personal. You don't live it twice. Everything you encounter in life are raw materials that could be converted to anything you want. Make testimonies out of your life tests.

v To run life requires energy, either negative or positive. Negative energy drives life to destruction. Positive energy drives life to production. Energy from His Presence will make your life productive. #SupernaturalEnergy#SupernaturalLife #SupernaturalProductivity

v Your thinking affects your living, and your living affects your winning. Think to live and live to win. #Think #Live #Win

v It's a slavery mentality to think somebody is responsible for your life. Your success in life is not determined by anybody, but you. You are solely responsible for how your life turn out to be. Take responsibility, take action!

v Don't look for better life, make your life better. Don't look for easy life, make your life easy. Stress and worries wear you out into troubles. Peace and joy work you out into blessings. Don't endure life, enjoy it.

v Whatever or whoever wants to dominate your thoughts without giving respect to your will is a slave master. Your life is not to be dominated. It's to be lived by choice and not by force.

v Great lives are lived inside out. Small lives are lived outside in. The former feeds on the wisdom inside. The latter feeds on the news outside. Too much noise and distractions outside make small lives small. So much value and peace inside make great lives great. Harness the treasures inside that will make you live your best life on earth.

v Some lives are full of complaints. Some lives are full of ingratitude. They blame everybody around. To them everything seems not just to be working, while they are busy doing nothing. While you are expecting God to do something, can you appreciate him for what he has done. He gave you strength to work, he gave you mind to generate ideas, he gave you breath of life to live well and lots of beautiful things in your life. Lives of thanksgiving always appreciate. Lives of complaints always depreciate. Without thanksgiving in your mouth, there won't be testimony in your hand.

v Though started from an humble beginning, He lived a life of impact. He was despised. He was chastised and rejected, ridiculed by men. All wasn't because of Him. He needed to save the entire humanity. He was bruised. He was crucified. His blood was shed for atonement. Atonement of sins. What was left? Nothing. He died. Human life was terminated. On the third day, He rose from dead. God's life was activated. He won the battle. He overcame sin and death. Now, for as many that want Him, He gave them power and authority. He gave them life, God's life. What's next? Living! Glorious living, Abundant living, Purposeful living in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah.

v Achievements in life is not about knowing so many things, it's about applying so many things. People that run life are not those that know-how, it is those that do-how. Life is not about theories, it is about having results.

v Those that rush through life rush out of life. Those that run through life run out of life. Those that work through life have a worth of life that lives celebrate. Only people that work have a worth. Work is not a curse. It is a course that successful people take in life.

v Who are you running with? Who is your competitor? And who are you measuring your life with? You don't need to run rat race with anybody. Your life is not a contest, neither is it a league. Your life is God's investment on earth. Make sure it's productive.

v If your living does not solve problem, your leaving would not create problem.

v God will not give you more lives if you don't value the one He has put in your care. He will not make you known if you don't know the ones he has put around you. Celebrate lives and lives will celebrate you.

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